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30-day Blog Challenge 2015


After last year’s sense of fulfillment in completing a blog challenge that I didn’t think I would be able to, I realized it would be a good exercise to do it again this year. I had no intention of participating in another blog challenge anymore but I was on Medium the other day and saw Nicole Zhu’s 100 Days of Writing series that it actually prompted me to do a 100 day blog challenge right then and there.

I then calculated the timeline and saw that I wouldn’t be done until November (if I decided to do it daily, what more if I didn’t) and my commitment-phobe tendencies tingled so I looked for something of lesser frequency and stumbled across this one from 2 years ago by Live For Tomorrow. Looks like it’s something that will also benefit my current mental health and that’s always a good goal in itself, right?

  1. What you had for breakfast
  2. A song that makes you happy
  3. Someone you’re grateful for
  4. Your dream job
  5. #TBT A fave memory
  6. A food you could eat forever
  7. A favorite quote
  8. A skill you’d love to learn
  9. Someone you’d like to meet
  10. Something yellow
  11. Use the ellipsis in a photo
  12. #TBT Your favorite song last year
  13. A place you’d love to visit
  14. A lyric that inspires you
  15. A compliment about a friend
  16. 5 things you’d change in the world
  17. Create something and post
  18. What you’d try if you had no fear
  19. #TBT Someone you miss
  20. Inspire the world in one sentence
  21. Best thing to happen this week
  22. Someone who makes you laugh
  23. Something on your bucket list
  24. One of your best friends and why they’re awesome
  25. A song that reminds you of someone
  26. #TBT Your happy place
  27. A cause you support
  28. Something you enjoy
  29. Someone who inspires you
  30. Your dream for ‘tomorrow’

Just like last year, listing out the entry themes is making me nervous because I’m already starting to formulate everything that I want to write and it’s all jumbled up in my head. I’m still going to apply the same rule of not posting less than 3x a week. I guess I have to compromise making headers for each post because I’m going to be on a time crunch. Cheers to completing another challenge this year!

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