All posts filed under: TV & Movies

Movie Absent

I don’t know why but I haven’t been watching movies lately. I always suck when it comes to blockbusters and such because I usually wait until the hype of the movie dies down before I watch it. I also prefer watching movies which are about 1-2 years old unless of course, it’s a movie I’ve been dying to watch beforehand. The problem is, I’ve put off watching so many movies that they’ve all piled up and I haven’t had a chance to watch them at all. Plus when that happens, new movies come out and I put them off again so it’s like a weird cycle. The last movie I watched in the theater this year was Valentine’s Day (IKR) and since then I haven’t gone yet. While I love going to the movies, I prefer watching them in the comfort of my own couch or bed so I love movie nights in. Anyone? Also the reason why I didn’t relate much to this years’ Oscars. Every year I’m always looking forward to the Oscars …