Thanks to my little assistant ChatGPT, I’m able to write this post with question prompts about what kind of a year 2024 was. A lot of things happened last year, but at the same time I feel like I was just writing about my West Coast trip last Christmas in my previous entry.
Will I ever get tired of whining about how time flies in this blog? It feels like it’s the only way I can truly grasp how time just passes like nobody’s business. Like, who gave time the audacity to go by so quick?
What was the biggest highlight of your year?

I think it would have to be my Bali trip last June where I had a big reunion with my childhood best friends—my core C.O.F. as how we used to call it: core circle of friends.
It was also the first time I’ve been back in Indonesia since the pandemic, which was interesting because Bali and Jakarta were the last out of country cities I visited before the lockdowns happened in 2020.
It was so good to finally see my best friend Noemi who moved to Bali for good at the beginning of this year and have a bit of bonding time before she became a new mom and entering a new stage in her life, at the same time spending time with Carissa before she moved to the U.S. for good as a newlywed! Plus all the Indonesian food we got to eat, don’t even tell me about it.
Bianca (and her husband Chris), Patrick, and I flew from the PH. Norv and Patty from Jakarta, and Gabby and his wife from Australia as they had their own family reunion trip, as well as other family members and parents also having their own reunion. It’s difficult to explain as I would have to write its own chapter in this entry but basically the people I grew up with during my formative years in Jakarta all got together as adults to celebrate life before hitting several life milestones. Bittersweet as we continue leave our childhood behind.
Another highlight would probably be getting to meet and spend time with online friends IRL in Hong Kong last October! They have been my constant chat buddies from the thick of lockdown up to now and our friendship has truly transcended the four corners of the Discord app.
What is one challenge you overcame?
Personally, being able to say no without feeling guilty. There is a big part of that’s such a people pleaser that every time I turn down a social event, a project at work, or a favor I can’t do it always eats me up inside. This year I learned to let go of that and put myself first. Is it an age thing?
Another challenge I overcame this year was losing a freelance client that I’ve been working with since 2019, so like essentially a chunk of my extra income and the loss of a secure freelance client. They needed to take a break to realign their business offerings so hopefully it’s not a complete halt.
A challenge of mine that I’m working on is always feeling so critical about myself and downplaying my professional achievements and wins and having the biggest impostor syndrome so I’m trying to work on this one. 2025 will be the year I will work on it.
What is a new skill or habit you learned?
Expounding on what I wrote above, I’m not sure if it can be considered a new skill or habit but I felt like I am really coming into terms with being okay to say no to things or situations that don’t serve me. I used to be so much of a people pleaser back then and always want to say yes or concede to avoid conflict or to make sure I don’t put myself in a negative light or situation, but I’ve really gone deeper into learning how to listen to myself first, which could mean saying no or even disagreeing to a lot of things.
What was one thing you’re proud of last year?
Honestly? Always just proud of making it through the year. Even though I’m so hard on myself mentally most of the time, I still manage to insert little pockets of grace that I award myself at times and I think that’s enough.