Around The Web #2: Inspirational Edition
I’ve been reading a lot of “feel-good” or “get back on your feet” stuff online and it gave me the idea to do an Around the Web entry. This stemmed from the realization that no matter how shitty, down, lonely, depressed, helpless, low you feel, you are not alone. You are not singled out from any misery in life. I came across a lengthy status from an old college friend on Facebook about how she was having a hard time, that she had no one to talk to, no shoulder to cry on, and despite having a husband and 2 lovely children she has never felt more alone than ever. Having a bit of a hard time myself, I told her that while I do not completely understand her situation, I know it’s not easy. That we all go through these tough ropes at some point in our life, but we have to constantly remind ourselves that this is all temporary, and at the end of the day we are all we have so we have to …