2024 Reflections
Thanks to my little assistant ChatGPT, I’m able to write this post with question prompts about what kind of a year 2024 was. A lot of things happened last year, but at the same time I feel like I was just writing about my West Coast trip last Christmas in my previous entry. Will I ever get tired of whining about how time flies in this blog? It feels like it’s the only way I can truly grasp how time just passes like nobody’s business. Like, who gave time the audacity to go by so quick? What was the biggest highlight of your year? I think it would have to be my Bali trip last June where I had a big reunion with my childhood best friends—my core C.O.F. as how we used to call it: core circle of friends. It was also the first time I’ve been back in Indonesia since the pandemic, which was interesting because Bali and Jakarta were the last out of country cities I visited before the lockdowns happened in …