Friends & Family, Life
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A Recap of My Week

It’s Friday (DUH)! This week really passed by like a breeze. I guess it helped that Monday was a holiday (yayy Labor Day) and there were a series of events this week that made it all the more faster. They say time flies when you’re having fun, right?

On Tuesday, the Philippine Bar Results came out after a grueling 6 months of waiting. I can’t imagine having to take an exam and not knowing the results almost half a year later, especially one that will determine my future. How do y’all do it? Anyway, my closest friend from childhood and my neighbor across the street, Hazel, is now a full-fledged lawyer! It was so funny because I had been patiently waiting for the results to come out the whole day, camping out on twitter search results (my preference of news release) to find out if she had made the cut. Series of updates stated that it would be out before at 11:30.

For some weird reason, a little before 11, the school’s fire alarm rang and prompted us to evacuate the building, having to leave my belongings behind. It wasn’t an alarming issue, but the school always takes these precautions seriously. We stood in the blistering heat for a good half hour and I thought I had missed the results. The minute I got back, I saw the flurry of realtime updates from Supreme Court results and saw a tweet that said, “Check if your beshies are included..” with an accompanying link to a dubious site that produced a PDF download of the supposed List of Successful Examinees.

I hurriedly called Hazel and after a few rings, I considered dropping the call because I thought she would be busy with already receiving congratulatory messages. Little did I know, I was the first one to break the news to her. She screamed at me, screamed at the phone asking me if I was lying to her, then Tita Esther took the phone and asked me if I was right, and gave them her no. on the list. There was also crying involved, to be honest. It was nerve wracking, and after the call I was so nervous about giving the wrong information, that maybe I had gone to a fake news site or that I had referred to the list of takers and not the successful examinees. Got through that hurdle and to cap off this story, Hazel is a lawyer!

We had late dinner that night with Junalyn, Lymboy, Hazel’s parents and recalled the day’s events of freaking out but all in all proud of what Hazel accomplished.

The same afternoon, I met up with Dannie to give her a brow product I bought for her when I was at Seaside on Monday. I realized how much I missed my girlfriends, althroughout April we didn’t get to meet up.

I have also decided to switch to contacts!!! Wearing glasses is okay, but at some point it gives me a bad headache so I decided to make the slow switch to wearing contact lenses. The initial ones I bought had color (grey) but quickly realized and upon my colleagues feedback that it was a tad bit distracting. So I bought clear ones that are so much lighter on the eyes and don’t make me look like some weird cat.

Thanks to Tita In-in, we’re going to Boracay on July! There is going to be a major family reunion happening again on July with the East Coast family members flying back to the Philippines. I’m excited and this is another travel plan to my 2017 list!

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