All posts filed under: Friends & Family

How I Got My Japan & South Korea Tourist Visa in Cebu

Updated note: this was in 2017, so things could be different now! I get a lot of questions from close friends about visa application experiences so I decided to finally write about one, especially in Cebu. I love how it’s fairly easy to get visas in Cebu now without having to fly out to Manila anymore. Why not take advantage, right? I will try my best to be as detailed as possible with this entry. I know many probably won’t read and just skim through so I will also make the requirements concise as well. The reason why I consolidated this post for both countries is that I applied to both in a span of a couple of weeks therefore it made obtaining my requirements a lot more time efficient. Introduction There are a lot of other blogs that provide more detailed process for different kinds of applicants. This post is about my own personal experience that’s why I can confidently write about it. I could say that I owe my knowledge to blogs for …

Saying Hello to Inner Demons

I’m not sure what’s causing this inner terror that’s bothering me right now but I don’t like it at all. It’s making me lose my subconsciousness and depriving me of being grateful for the little things, which I always try and focus on daily for my mental health. I can’t even enjoy a single K-drama without revisits of this annoying mental clutch. I’ve been so focused on my new job and the unknowingly jarring difference of now getting into the hang of an office life vs the remote life that I lived for a year and a half. That was good for my mental and professional reset after having been in a toxic environment for a while, before the lone wolf life took a toll on me again. This time however, the demons in my head seem to be self-inflicting and I’m not a big fan. I’m always beating myself up for losing control of my and letting anxiety win again. By writing this I hope I at least feel a little better. A part …

A Recap of My Week

It’s Friday (DUH)! This week really passed by like a breeze. I guess it helped that Monday was a holiday (yayy Labor Day) and there were a series of events this week that made it all the more faster. They say time flies when you’re having fun, right? On Tuesday, the Philippine Bar Results came out after a grueling 6 months of waiting. I can’t imagine having to take an exam and not knowing the results almost half a year later, especially one that will determine my future. How do y’all do it? Anyway, my closest friend from childhood and my neighbor across the street, Hazel, is now a full-fledged lawyer! It was so funny because I had been patiently waiting for the results to come out the whole day, camping out on twitter search results (my preference of news release) to find out if she had made the cut. Series of updates stated that it would be out before at 11:30. For some weird reason, a little before 11, the school’s fire alarm rang …

Love You Forever

Yesterday, I lost one of my best friends to cancer. I would like to dedicate my love for this book (and our love for Friends) to him. I’ll love you forever I’ll like you for always As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be Rest well, Mark. Wherever you are, there’s no shortage of Friends reruns that you can always watch. Love you forever.