As many of you probably know, the world is being hit by a pandemic. I can’t believe we’re actually alive to witness such a crazy thing. We’re at the 4th month of the year but it feels like one long hellish January. Bad things after bad things have happened since the start of the year and at this point, the future feels a little bleak. I decided to write something in here because this quarantine is also testing my mental health, if we’re being entirely honest. The past two weeks I was still going to the office for about a few days a week so I’m only really feeling the effects of it now that I am officially housebound.
I should be used to it, right? I was a digital nomad for 2 years. The staying at home part is fine, it’s the reduced mobility and having no choice of places to go is what’s been quite stressful. I decided to make a schedule for myself because we still have about 4 weeks left of this, and I hope by sticking to that schedule time will pass by quickly and the next thing we know, it’s back to the usual grind.

With that, I’ve decided to create a list of things I’ve been doing that have been personally positive, and things I can’t wait to do until this all blows over.
- Everyday yoga or exercise – can you believe? Even my gym membership didn’t let me do this shit. Which reminds me, my membership ends this month and I have no more plans to renew it, especially since I can work out at home like this. I will miss the group classes though.
- Work – it’s one of the main things keeping me sane right now, to be honest.
- Fangirling – it may not be part of the schedule, mostly coz it’s embedded in me, lol. Whether it’s Terrace House or K-pop, that’s already on the list.
- Cleaning – no cleaners for about a month or so, so I definitely had to put deep cleaning once a week. I clean a bit every day or so, but I need to do that deep clean on weekends to make sure I like the space I’m in, for my room to be a healthy place to stay with everything happening right now.
Now the things I want to do once I get out of this quarantine? Call me Queen Superficial, but so many things I’ve been taking for granted that I miss!
- Pamper myself – that includes a good wax session, a facial, a nice hair treatment (or even a haircut coz my hair can’t be helped), manicure and pedicure, all the girly things that I’m always like, “Ok later I have no event to attend anyway.”
- Unlimited sangria with my friends where we laugh all night without a care in the world. I’m actually tearing up as I write this.
- A visit to my OB GYN – I’m due for my annual visit to check out my PCOS and my yearly maintenance meds are almost out. I need to know if my condition has gotten better for me to move to the next step.
- A good brunch with mum and sis – nothing beats our food trips.
Real life can’t come any sooner. I’m just hoping this will all seem like a long break from things, and we can bounce back better than ever.
Sucks that what we thought would be just be a month has turned to a year and x months now without much hope for an end just yet. I also don’t mind being at home. I actually like this wfh setup. Like you, what I do mind is that we don’t have much choice of places to go, what with a virus going around seeminly unchecked.