All posts filed under: Life

Current Beauty Products Vol. IV

I suddenly had the urge to write about recently acquired makeup before I complete the last blog challenge. I do think I need to take better photos instead of using my iPhone on low light, because these photos don’t do justice to the products at all. Somebody (not me!) inserted the battery into the DSLR the other way around and so it’s stuck and currently unusable. Now I have to look for ways on how to remove it. I’m quite excited about today’s post because I didn’t buy most of these things, they were given to me! At this point, people who know me well are actually willing to feed my interests so I’m more than happy to oblige. Can’t complain!

Day 30 – What’s something not many know?

I’m sort of an open book. Pretty much 90% of the time, what you see is what you get with me. The other 10%, is all sorts of jumbled up facts that I probably don’t remember and/or don’t want to share. I’m trying to pick on the insides of that 10% right now and trying to figure out what to share in this blog. Hm. Not many know that I wanted to be a drummer so much that I took up drum lessons at one time, sometime when I was about 14? I remember being obsessed with Coldplay’s In My Place that I begged my mom to enroll me in music school. She had one condition though, that I’d also take voice lessons together with drums. I reluctantly (though happily) obliged. I didn’t get very far, sadly (with drums!). I realized I had very minimal talent with it and that I also did not have a drum set that I could practice with at home, so that pursuit didn’t progress further than an amateur recital …

Day 29 – Tell me: Are you a lefty or a righty?

I am a righty. Nothing special here. I thought I was ambidextrous because I thought I could write with my left as well, but a recent attempt to prove that resulted in a joke. It was all in my head. Sure, I can write with my left.. But it’s not nearly as good as my actual penmanship, which has been praised a lot. Heeeee. So there you go, righty girl all the way.

Day 28 – Memories: Top 5 moments in your life

I will try not to think about this too much because then it will be too hard to narrow down. I have been blessed with a fruitful life and choosing the top 5 moments will be a challenge. I’ll try to make this as concise as I can as well. In no particular order.. 1) Disneyland Hong Kong in 2006 (Disneyland, period!). Went there just a few months after it opened because just as all 90s kids are I am a complete Disney geek. We stayed at one of the Disney hotels and I begged my mom to take the Disney train with me from the city (everyone else took a cab) and we walked ALL the way from the train station to the hotel (didn’t take the shuttle, nothing). Needless to say I started bawling my eyes out when I reached the place. I had this weird moment where I just broke down because of happiness. I can’t wait to visit Disney America, Europe and Japan, no matter how old I am! 2) Watching …

Day 27 – Something you miss

If you ask me, generally, I don’t miss my Jakarta life as a whole because I feel like that chapter in my life has already closed. There is a part of that life, however, that I don’t think can be really brought back anymore because of time, age, and individual priorities. It actually just happened here in Cebu, on my birthday week, and that was something I still continue to be thankful for, because it shows what kind of foundation we have as friends, but anyway, I digress. My best friend Noemi and I live for lazy, uninterrupted weekends where we would just be in one room, do our own thing, lay in bed and waste the day. That’s something we don’t have anymore and I terribly miss it, and the main factor will always be distance. That feeling when you’re not wasting time because you’re not doing anything productive.. that’s a luxury now. Time is gold, things need to be done and life needs to be lived. I miss the times when my Jakarta …