All posts filed under: Life

It Couldn’t Be Done

A workmate just sent me this poem a while ago, and I think it’s really nice, apt and totally applies to my life right now. Somebody said that it couldn’t be done, But, he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, as he did it. Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that; At least no one we know has done it”; But he took off his coat and he took off his hat, And the first thing we knew he’d begun it. With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin, Without any doubting or quiddit, He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it. There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, There are thousands …

Walk That Blog

Things that I happened after the last time I wrote in here: I turned 24! Oh my goodness. 24 is such a gross age. LOL no seriously, I’m still 19 at heart and will remain that way until someone knocks some sense into my head. My birthday was great. I was with my closest friends and they were with me when the clock strike 12 on the 21st. Even my parents stopped by after midnight. At around 3am it was spent with 3 of my bestest friends laughing, eating, and drinking. Then a few days later the family spent the night at the beach resort to celebrate me and my dad’s birthday (we’re only 2 days apart). I did see the whale sharks! We pushed through with our not-so-impromptu trip to the South of Cebu. Ended up staying the night (I had no extra clothes) and decided to go whale shark-watching in the early morning. It’s pretty cool how such sea creatures exist. I want to go again. Fell out of likeness just as quickly …

Sleep Deprived

I’ve been sleep deprived like heck. This started Sunday last week when I just couldn’t lock down a solid sleep cycle. I end up waking up then doing random power naps but in the end it still leaves me with a bad headache. Doesn’t also help that ToM decided to make its monthly visit so I’ve been feeling lethargic. Mom finally arrived last Wednesday and I couldn’t be anymore happy 🙂 this whole sleep-deprived thing is like just unconsciously making me suffer but it’s not end game. I’ve been going to work and having fun like usual albeit just a little disoriented. I sleep in the morning and wake up in a few hours. It’s gonna take a toll sooner or later but I don’t think I’m going to be able to get it back in the next couple of days at least while my mom’s still here. Even my eyes hurt right now as I type this. It’s 3:40am and I just had a meal so I definitely can’t sleep yet and I have …

Motherduck and Workstuff

I’m so excited because my mom’s coming home in a few days! What a perfect Mother’s Day surprise and a birthday gift rolled into one. I haven’t seen her in 3 months and I’m glad I’m going to see her again even if it’s just a week or two. The person I miss the most in this world though, my sister, will be coming home in about a month too. Cannot wait to be finally reunited with her. I miss that brat too much. I told myself I’d make a “THINGS TO DO AND BUY WHILE MOM’S HERE” list but I haven’t gotten around to doing it yet. Work has a way of surprising me with good little things (and big things) and it keeps me happily busy. I hope this streak of getting excited with work really sticks. I’m so happy with all that it’s giving me.. of course except for the minor hurdles and dealing with people with different attitudes, so far it’s giving me the exposure I’ve always been wanting to have. …

Hate Is a Strong Word

I hate.. how I’m not reading books anymore. how I stopped writing on my Moleskine once life started happening, which totally sucks because I promised myself in the beginning of the year that it would be the only New Years’ Resolution I’d complete. how I can’t fucking fix my clothes right after changing 5x a day coz I can’t decide what to wear. how I haven’t took out and arranged all the contents of my moving box from Jakarta simply coz I’m “too lazy”. how I’m nearing quarter life crisis. how I have really poor financial skills. Save save save! how I can’t really get rid of my BlackBerry because I have so many family members and friends on it. how I feel like an idiot whenever I switch from my BlackBerry and iPhone. how snobbish I feel and sound writing those 2 statements above. how I can’t even cook up a decent blog post despite so many things going on in my mind. how my (irrational) fears still keep me from doing the things …