All posts filed under: School

Jakarta Friends

I’m missing my Jakarta friends more than usual since there have been a few events here and there that for the first time since I’ve gone home, I was very sad to be missing. Apparently July 7 was quite the happening Saturday for a lot of people. My high school batch a.k.a the people I went to school with almost my whole life in Jakarta decided to have a huge reunion. The last time we had a reunion was in 2010, and not only was that one of the first major ones, I was also one of the main planners of the event. I’ve yet to see photos on Facebook but once I do I’m gonna be missing my old friends more than ever. I’m glad they had a blast and everyone got to catch up with each other. One of my ever dearest friends, Caroline, also celebrated her birthday on Saturday. We always have these special dinners and my special dinners are never the same without my Uni friends. I hope she had a …