The Sunday Currently, v26
FEELING All sorts of things, listed below: 1. HAPPY – because I just got my period (FINALLY) today but I am also suffering from major cramps. 2. RELIEVED – because of said reason above, suffering from PCOS makes you feel these things. A period is like a major win in life. 3. CRAZY – all these hormonal emotions are getting the worst of me. I want to snap at people, my PMS was about 2 weeks long and it’s been a whirlwind of emotions. 4. ANNOYED – my ISP has been really shitty lately and if only I had the power to burn down their building I would. 5. EXCITED – because in about a month one of my bestest friends is getting married and it’s on my birthday weekend and I’m a bridesmaid and there’s so much to plan and gaaaaahhhhhhh the emotions! So there’s that. WATCHING I finished Part 2 of Terrace House Aloha State in a span of 2 days and now I’m catching up on Erik Conover’s vlogs. I haven’t been …