All posts tagged: the sunday currently

The Sunday Currently, v27

While everyone’s long weekend is just starting or halfway, I’ve already completed mine. Beach: check. Food: check. Alcohol: check. Family & friends: check. Catching up on sleep: check. Catching up on shows & videos: check. This Sunday is all about getting back on track for the month to come. FEELING Tired. My long weekend had already started since Tuesday afternoon and I am spent. Not so much physically but mostly mentally. My mind was just all over the place since then and I haven’t done much introspection. It’s a little annoying, to be honest. READING A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. Rob has been recommending this book to me and after a good light reading streak the past few days, I am ready to tackle a good and long book–this one is almost 800 pages! WATCHING I just finished episode 11 of Riverdale. We’re getting so close to finding out Jason Blossom’s murderer! I’m also watching Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. After Weightlifting Fairy, I wanted another bearer-of-good-vibes kdrama and while SWDBS is one, I …

The Sunday Currently, v26

FEELING All sorts of things, listed below: 1. HAPPY – because I just got my period (FINALLY) today but I am also suffering from major cramps. 2. RELIEVED – because of said reason above, suffering from PCOS makes you feel these things. A period is like a major win in life. 3. CRAZY – all these hormonal emotions are getting the worst of me. I want to snap at people, my PMS was about 2 weeks long and it’s been a whirlwind of emotions. 4. ANNOYED – my ISP has been really shitty lately and if only I had the power to burn down their building I would. 5. EXCITED – because in about a month one of my bestest friends is getting married and it’s on my birthday weekend and I’m a bridesmaid and there’s so much to plan and gaaaaahhhhhhh the emotions! So there’s that. WATCHING I finished Part 2 of Terrace House Aloha State in a span of 2 days and now I’m catching up on Erik Conover’s vlogs. I haven’t been …

The Sunday Currently, v25

FEELING A bit of regret over eating that bowl of rice for dinner. Mom cooked shrimp and it was too good. A bit tired too because I was semi-working all weekend. I am also very very sleepy and will probably doze off as soon as this entry is published. READING No book atm because I’m so bad at reading books nowadays. I promise I’m going to catch up! WATCHING Descendants of the Sun and it’s seriously stressing me out. I think gone are the days when I could stomach deep Song Joong Ki (e.g. The Innocent Man/Nice Guy) dramas. It’s seriously stressing me out even though I’m just on episode 5. I might consider switching to a lighter one and people have been recommending Weightlifting Fairy. WEARING The same black dress I wore this morning to work. Yes, I worked this weekend! HOPING For this week to be a strong, productive, kick-ass week in terms of work. And that I don’t spend anymore. LISTENING LOVING That I can easily fall asleep at night now because …

The Sunday Currently, v24

Hello 2017 and a happy new year everyone! That greeting is still valid, right? After all we’re only 8 days into the year but it already feels like 3 months. Crazy. I’ve been a little slow on blogging, mostly because I’ve been prioritizing different things and most especially getting my daily life on track after travelling for 4 weeks. December was weirdly great and I’m always grateful to end the year on a good note. FEELING Crazy old. I turn 29 this year and it’s an age I never imagined turning. I’m not a fan of these feelings because I feel and look forever 19 or something. I was at a wedding yesterday where I had to make a speech and the host was genuinely shocked when I said I was only 28. And I had a full face of makeup to boot! I’m also still really lazy to wear glasses and I am feeling my eyesight just deteriorating, and been getting eye strain-related headaches lately. READING Then Unpredictable Consequences of Love by Jill Mansell. …

The Sunday Currently, v23

FEELING I’ve been having really sudden bouts of bad headache the whole weekend. It’s weird because when I’m doing something like reading or watching something it goes away but when I’m idle or just looking around that’s when I really feel it. I have a feeling it has something to do with my glasses usage because I’ve had to take it off and put it on again a few times this weekend. READING Miracle on 5th Avenue by Sarah Morgan. I’ve been having a good streak with cheesy, romantic books this month and fortunately this is a trilogy starring 3 friends and their 3 different love lives. So far, so good!