Friends & Family, Life, Work
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Life Update!

Sorry it’s been so long since I last wrote here! A lot of things have happened in my life ever since my last entry and the problem is of course, where to start? As of now I’m back in the Philippines. It wasn’t an easy decision to make by any means, but I’m glad I did it (I hope to say the same in the future!). I left Jakarta on the 9th of February so everything was sort of very much a rollercoaster prior to that, packing my stuff, saying goodbye to friends and family, shopping for new stuff, and making room for the future in my thoughts.

The reason why I moved back is because I’ve been trying to find a way to get away from Jakarta. As I’ve said in my previous posts, it will always be home to me and I have unending love for it, but you can’t stick with something that’s bringing you down. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say. I felt like I had no room to grow in that bittersweet city anymore, so I found the next best alternative which didn’t require a big adjustment..back home in Cebu. Truth to be told I’ve been looking for jobs ever since late last year and during Christmas vacation I had some interviews and in the end (after a long grueling wait filled with dilemma of whether to be or not to be–however you make take that), I finally got accepted to the job I had the most fun being interviewed in. I’m on my second week right now and so far it’s been great.

I have a lot of photos to post too! Almost every weekend since the year started I’ve been out with friends and catching up and having fun. Nothing too crazy, just good old plain hanging out. I also had a sort-of-farewell, funny thing because I really had no time to make a proper decent farewell because everything was happening so fast and the new job required me to start asap (after making me wait so long, grr) so during my last Friday night in Jakarta I called, texted, BBM’ed friends from all over the city. Everyone sort of came together that night and I couldn’t have been more happier.  All my closest friends were there be it from high school, uni, random friends (with the exception of the ones who weren’t in the country) and I felt so loved. It was a nice ecclectic 6-degrees-of-separation group of people.

I miss Jakarta! I miss my friends, I miss the food, I miss my mom, my sister and my dog, I miss the comfiest bed in the world, and the comfiest life I’ve ever lived but for now this is one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. And God forbid if it doesn’t turn out well (showing no signs though ;p), I can safely say I truly did something for myself and stuck with my own decision. No regrets. Time to move forward!

I’m in a rush right now so I’ll have to post more soon, complete with visuals this time 🙂


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