Author: Justine

Terrace House: Aloha State – A Subjective Ranking

Just like what I did with the Boys & Girls in the City, here’s a completely subjective ranking on the Aloha State members. While Boys & Girls in the City was difficult because it was hard to choose which one I liked best, my challenge for this one was nominating the ones I hated less. Aloha State was such a season full of polarizing parts and I don’t know if my watching habits contributed to a lot of the decision making but whatever, I’m gonna do it the way I did with the previous one. Another note, this was also a little bit more difficult to write than the Boys & Girls In the City version because I feel like I’m not really doing as much justice? Unlike B&GITC which was a whole marathon, Aloha State was released in parts. I was lucky to score a VPN subscription where I got to watch Part 4 almost 2 months before the worldwide Netflix release. Let’s do this! WARNING: SPOILERS if you haven’t completed Part 4.

Q&A Sunday, Vol. 1

Starting a new series! Won’t promise to do it every weekend, but if I come across questions I want to answer, it will end up here. 1. What was the last food you ate?Pork Schnitzel, cold cuts, tomato soup at Tinderbox. #KetoLife 2. Where was your profile photo taken?Monterrazas Clubhouse 3. Worst physical pain you’ve ever felt?Post-op tonsillectomy and Bartholin’s cyst 4. Favorite place you’ve visited?Washington, DC 5. How late did you stay up last night?I got home around 1am from dinner at The Weekend and drinks at that new sports bar in Bonifacio District. I forgot the name. 6. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be?Australia or Norway 8. Who from your Facebook friends lives closest to you?Hazel, duh! 10. When was the last time you cried?Thursday night when I watched Love You to the Stars and Back in the cinema. 11. Who took your profile photo?I think Ate Jo! 12. Who was/were the last person/people you took a picture with?Ian, Matt, Juna, Hazel, Lymboy 13. What’s your favorite season?I’ll answer …

How to NOT succumb to Bad Vibes

This week has been particularly weird, in an emotional sense. I don’t know if it’s the mix of quitting rice for the 2nd week and going towards a low-carb high-fat diet that’s messing with my system, happenings that either piss me off, or make me want to cry. These are the usual highs and lows of everyday and worklife and (the lack of) adulting that’s always messing with me. So how do I deal? I compiled a list of things that I usually do or indulge in so that I don’t fall into the deep well of emotional negativity, a.k.a the O.A. life, or as how our close-minded relatives refer to bouts of unwarranted sadness. As much as I’d love to just write and write about things that make me happy, I’ve decided to keeping it to a minimum of a recent 10 so that next time I find more weird things that satisfy my vibes channel. I didn’t even mention cliche ones like, going to the beach, hanging out with [insert name here], etc etc. …

How to NOT succumb to Bad Vibes

This week has been particularly weird, in an emotional sense. I don’t know if it’s the mix of quitting rice for the 2nd week and going towards a low-carb high-fat diet that’s messing with my system, happenings that either piss me off, or make me want to cry. These are the usual highs and lows of everyday and worklife and (the lack of) adulting that’s always messing with me. So how do I deal? I compiled a list of things that I usually do or indulge in so that I don’t fall into the deep well of emotional negativity, a.k.a the O.A. life, or as how our close-minded relatives refer to bouts of unwarranted sadness. Playing SimCity Buildit. Secret’s out, I’ve been playing this game since late 2014 and have not stopped since. There’s something about mindlessly building a city, fulfilling city needs, and playing a virtual God that really made me commit to this one. With the introduction of groups and social trading (of goods) I’ve also become part of a small community of …

Tonsillectomy: A 2 Year Reflection

In July of 2015 I made the decision to finally have my tonsils out. I remember it was an emotionally tough time but I figured it was for the best. Throughout that year I had been severely hit with bouts of tonsilitis that were even more frequent than usual (I used to get it at least once every 2 months), and I realized it didn’t feel right anymore. I may have been used to getting it, but never those that limited my day to day activities or even be admitted to the hospital! To cut the story short, here I am 2 years later, tonsil free and couldn’t have been more thankful and relieved that I made that decision. I still get the remnants of mental reflex though. Whenever I eat or drink something sweet I always try to feel my tonsils in case they flare up or swell. I don’t think I’ll truly ever get over that. Something 27 years of habitual actions can never fix. To this day it is one of the …