All posts filed under: Life

On Writing as Therapy

I’ve been blogging since I knew how to use the internet, but I have never thought of myself as a good writer, or good blogger, at the very least. My sister told me last week that I write like a kid, and I actually agreed without harboring ill-feelings. I’m not one to have a wide knowledge of words that I can mix and match to my mind’s content. Sometimes I envy those who are so witty on paper (or on screen) and can translate feelings and emotions into another level of feelings and emotions just by writing. This is why I’m mostly a blog lurker. I don’t usually comment but I ALWAYS read, especially the good ones. You’ve probably noticed my blogging frequency has increased in the past month. Some say it takes a shitty situation to go back to writing. For me, writing has always been a therapeutic medium where I can express myself (as if I don’t express myself enough) or mask whatever bad thing that’s going on in my head and sugarcoat …

Mid-Twenties Realizations

I found this entry sitting in my drafts folder, completely forgot about it and now I’m trying to figure out if this was something I wrote on my own or leeched off the internets. It’s been 2 years and I am now 27, but all of it still applies to me. Funny how it says “approaching” mid-twenties when the truth is that I’m past that and actually approaching my thirties. Oh dear. A few things I learned & realized, now that I’m approaching in my mid-twenties: Yes, people turn 25 27. They live it, and they get over it. So get over it. It’s okay to feel young forever. Age is just a two digit number. Write things down. You never know what you forget. You don’t have to feel guilty or sucky for not having the life your social media friends have. You have your own. And if you wake up each morning healthy, with a roof over your head, food to eat, a job to go to (plus points if you love it), …

Summer Snaps

Warning: A very photo heavy post of my very eventful summer. It’s been a while since I’ve had a photo-extensive area on my blog and in my attempt to start making things look really pretty, I managed to “conjure” this. It will probably be a while until I have the motivation to upload photos in here so I decided to just make one dump of an entry and put some of the snaps that made my summer. There’s many where these came from, but I can’t put it all. These photos were taken with either an iPhone, a DSLR, and a GoPro.

My Summer Essentials

Summer may be over here in the Philippines, but it’s practically summer every day so there’s no reason to not write this entry. People look at me weird sometimes when I say I love summer, because I actually do. Sure, the heat and crazy humidity can get really unbearable at times, but there something about a bright day underneath a shining sun that just gets my spirits going. 1. Air-conditioning I have to put this no. 1 on the list because come on let’s face it, if you have no access to A/C during Philippine summer, then you’re good as toast (literally). 2. A range of cute swimsuits Summer means lots of planned or even random trips outdoors, which most likely involves the beach, especially if you live in my part of the country (yay, Cebu). It’s always good to prepare 2 or 3 swimsuits that look good on you whatever your body type is so that you feel confident to wear it under the sun. Plus it makes for really good photos! 3. A …

My iPhone Apps

It’s about time I talk about my third hand, my iPhone. This entry has been sitting on my drafts for close to about a year now so I finally decided to update it and share my thumb’s best friends. In no particular order, these are the apps I mostly use on a daily basis: SOCIAL MEDIA The apps that I use are pretty much self-explanatory: Facebook, TweetBot (best twitter client, hands down), Instagram, Snapchat, Swarm. I have Path but I only go on it sometimes to keep track of my friends back in Jakarta because it’s pretty much the no. 1 social networking app there now. I have Goodreads downloaded when I’m currently reading a book so I can track my progress easily. More categories below!