Let’s Get It On, 2015
It’s already the start of February and I have yet to lay out my goals for 2015. I was reading this tweet that said January lasted for a good 3 minutes and somehow I agree! There are days that seem so long but the next thing you know it’s the end of the month, or worse.. the end of the year. 41. What do you want the overarching theme for your 2015 to be? Finance discipline. Money management. Money matters. Right now it’s not going as well as I hoped, but I guess I won’t beat myself too much over it because I did just sign up for two investment plans so it’s not entirely a failure on my part. Just can’t help those impulses, you know? Especially when you see pretty and shiny things even though they are a product of looking into a computer/tablet/phone for far too long. I am the ultimate consumer. 42. What do you want to see, discover, explore? More of the Philippines. I know I said this last year, …