All posts filed under: Life

Let’s Get It On, 2015

It’s already the start of February and I have yet to lay out my goals for 2015. I was reading this tweet that said January lasted for a good 3 minutes and somehow I agree! There are days that seem so long but the next thing you know it’s the end of the month, or worse.. the end of the year. 41. What do you want the overarching theme for your 2015 to be? Finance discipline. Money management. Money matters. Right now it’s not going as well as I hoped, but I guess I won’t beat myself too much over it because I did just sign up for two investment plans so it’s not entirely a failure on my part. Just can’t help those impulses, you know? Especially when you see pretty and shiny things even though they are a product of looking into a computer/tablet/phone for far too long. I am the ultimate consumer. 42. What do you want to see, discover, explore? More of the Philippines. I know I said this last year, …

The Sunday Currently, v5

Can’t believe it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these things! A year, to be EXACT. What a coincidence.. and I didn’t even plan for it to be that way. I was just reading my previous one and I realized, wow a lot of things came true. How my friends visited me, how I changed my iPhone, watched That Awkward Moment shortly after that entry, had a good trip to Jakarta last December, actually working on my money matters and how some things never change because I STILL am wearing my old Victoria’s Secret tee and polka dot shorts which was THE EXACT same thing I was probably wearing last year. Entry in a bit! I’m on time too because it’s exactly an hour before Monday comes through. Reading my previous Sunday Currently! You’ll see what I mean. I’m also reading This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz. It’s a fairly short book, but I’m taking a long time to wrap it up because I’ve been very busy the past week. Writing this entry and rediscovering …

2014 Year In Review, Part II

21. What was your most common mental state this year (e.g. excited, curious, stressed)? Anxious but resilient. 22. Was there anything you did for the very first time in your life this year? I didn’t go out of the country for a span of 12 months. I even thought 2014 would be the first year in about 20 something years that I wouldn’t get to travel. Somehow, I was fine with it. 23. What was your favourite moment spent with your friends? MY BIRTHDAY WEEK! Beach, mountains, beach again, island hopping, my birthday dinner, parties. I was probably the most blessed in this category. 24. What major goal did you lay the foundations for? Financial discipline. I’m past 25, I need to start taking my finances seriously. 25. Which worries turned out to be completely unnecessary? Worries about how I will get through the day/week/month/year. 26. What experience would you love to do all over again? MY BIRTHDAY WEEK WITH JAKARTA FRIENDS. Sand, sun, beach, fun, the water, food, friendship, love. And so much more. …

2014 Year In Review, Part I

I came across this blog entry a few weeks ago when I was looking for posts to write on introspect and retrospect about how my 2014 went. I feel like it went by too quick that I needed to write down things I felt, things I experienced and memories that came with it. Into-Mind is such a great blog as well, I’ve been following its points on minimalism and how to simplify life bit by bit and just being conscious with my approach. I’m going to divide this series into 3 entries. This is Part I, then another set of 20 questions for Part II, and finally the last 10 questions that I will answer about how I want my 2015 to be. I’m looking forward to it. 1. What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about? I’m going to tell my grandchildren that I grew up with the best possible group of friends and that it is possible to maintain great friendships for up to 20 years! Also, …

New Year, Clean System

One of my goals (I don’t really say resolutions, see previous post) this year is to completely zero out my MacBook Pro and start from scratch. Everything that’s in there has been around for almost 8 years or so, since I bought my very first MacBook then bought my second one and did a Migration Assistant from the old one. It’s been a long time coming, really. I hardly use the apps I used to hoard, I hardly listen to songs from my iTunes collection (hello, Spotify!) and the files that are inside are remnants of my sleepless nights in college writing countless essays and reports and marketing research and the likes. Needless to say, stuff that I’ve grown out of. I have a separate hard drive for my movies, tv shows, documents and photos, so I dumped everything in its rightful drive and proceeded to do a clean install. It was a very productive Saturday in, and it felt good. Now that it’s back, I’ve listed out some of the things I’m going to …