All posts filed under: Life

It’s (Sorta) Back!

Here I am on my phone while waiting for all the backup restoration to be done. I am back! The blog blacked out for the most part of the month because we were getting hacked here and there. And because—two sentence construction errors later—I have the best host ever, the process of putting everything back to its rightful place was near flawless. Lots of email exchange and a new webhost provider later, here is a fresh Otherworldly. Hope you like it!

The Sunday Currently, v4

An early one this time! I got woken up at around 2:30 in the morning because I fell asleep before 12 (shocker) and I haven’t been able to sleep since. Will again try after this entry. Reading my twitter feed. Writing this entry! Comments on blogs I read. Instagram comments. Listening to a car that’s revving outside. Seriously. Why do that at almost 5am on a Sunday? Rude. Thinking about ahh, a lot of things, as usual. Mostly about what time I’ll wake up later considering the time right now. I want to watch That Awkward Moment! Wishing for my core friends to push through with their Cebu trip this year. Hoping for another good trip this year, overseas or anywhere in the Philippines. To be able to (or learn to) save money despite my spendthrift ways. Wearing polka dot lady boxers and an old Victoria’s Secret tee. Loving how this year has started on a good note. Wanting to get a new iPhone. My 4S is starting to deteriorate. Needing a cuddle buddy. Feeling …

Newfound Newfinds

I’ve probably mentioned this a lot in my blog posts or just to myself in general, but oftentimes I wonder what has changed in my life, or what’s new and I’m always left with the “same old, same old” initial answer. Then I give it more thought and I realize, so much has changed. 2014 has been a very interesting start for me. 2013 ended with new-found friends who have started becoming so dear to me, only to find out that one of them is leaving for good by the start of February. I wish her the best of luck and life, but I am saddened because I am also “physically” losing a good friend who I have grown to love in the consecutive weeks we all hung out in December. I’m excited for what the rest of 2014 will bring. I used to always be apprehensive when a year starts, but this year I will try my best to just finally go with the flow. Let my fears become a part of me. Things …

It’s Been a While, Hello 2014

Hi. It’s been a while since I’ve written here. What made me finally write? I just paid for another year of domain name registration literally 3 minutes ago. I figured, I must write something right? Last entry was October 13, 2013. Fortunately and unfortunately.. October, November and December were the craziest months of last year. The earthquake (and a BAJILLION of aftershocks) in Cebu, traveling back to Indonesia to attend my college best friend’s wedding, visit my dad, and bestest friends, second families and reunite with everyone, the #SuperTyphoon that shook not only the country, but also the world, my hometown getting hit badly, our ancestral home completely damaged, countless of relief efforts to help rebuild our town, traveling weekend after weekend just to help those in need, gathering donations and pledges (thank you generous people!) to further up the relief efforts, getting rewarded with a very colorful December, reuniting with old friends, gaining new best friends, and SO many events that made it such a crazy month. My December was the cherry on top …

The Sunday Currently, v3

It’s literally Monday because it’s past 12 but who’s keeping count? I just woke up. Reading Casting news on 50 Shades of Grey. Woke up to news Sunday morning that Charlie Hunnam dropped out. I’ve expressed my dislike over the series but I won’t say I’m not looking forward to the movie developments. Writing This entry. Texting people. Listening Kahi’s new album, Who Are You? The music video for It’s Me is particularly beautiful, and was shot in Barcelona, Spain. Thinking About how I’m so thirsty. Wishing 1) That this week goes by okay at work before I leave for Jakarta and that I can buy everything I need before my trip! 2) For yoga class to be nice tomorrow because my back has been hurting. Hoping That this hangover goes away. It’s been almost 24 hours! Wearing A shirt that says MARKETING. Loving How strong I’m starting to become. Wanting New heels for my bridesmaid dress. Needing That special someone. To stop being so closed off with my “REAL DEAL” feelings. Feeling Pretty accomplished. …