Hi. It’s been a while since I’ve written here. What made me finally write? I just paid for another year of domain name registration literally 3 minutes ago. I figured, I must write something right? Last entry was October 13, 2013. Fortunately and unfortunately.. October, November and December were the craziest months of last year. The earthquake (and a BAJILLION of aftershocks) in Cebu, traveling back to Indonesia to attend my college best friend’s wedding, visit my dad, and bestest friends, second families and reunite with everyone, the #SuperTyphoon that shook not only the country, but also the world, my hometown getting hit badly, our ancestral home completely damaged, countless of relief efforts to help rebuild our town, traveling weekend after weekend just to help those in need, gathering donations and pledges (thank you generous people!) to further up the relief efforts, getting rewarded with a very colorful December, reuniting with old friends, gaining new best friends, and SO many events that made it such a crazy month. My December was the cherry on top …