All posts filed under: Life

Makeup et Moi, pt. 2

In 2011, my Sephora visit didn’t have any definite purchase plans but to accompany my mom with her cosmetic restocking. I figured I could get myself a new nail polish or a new lipstick. Instead, I ended up with a new BB cream, a couple of OPI nail polishes, and some new accessories like a mirror, hairbrush etc. I opted to purchase the Kameria Baby Face Anti-Acne & Pore Tightening BB cream SPF 20 (related post here because it cost the least among the others on display (at $29 as opposed to the other brands with $35-$50 range) and I was looking to buy one with the purpose of being curious to try it out. I also thought it fit most with my skin type because I grew up with a lot of acne. As a follower of the Korean entertainment culture, BB creams are mentioned a lot so I used to think it was overrated, to say the least. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. Like I said in my …

Makeup et Moi, pt. 1

I would say that 2013 is the year where I’m fully getting into cosmetics full time so I decided to try and make a series of blog posts about my journey so far. Aside from having a constant income that now allows me to purchase them and engage in cosmetic trial and error, this is the year I started to really “enhance” the outer me. I’ve been into makeup for as long as I can remember but being that kid with the worst acne (separate post for my skincare regime I guess), I was told to avoid them as much as possible. No products would fit my face and it seemed like anything I applied would result into breakouts. I guess I used the wrong products so they had very little influence on me. My mom, on the other hand, is a switcher. Anything works well with her face! She’d use high end products and can switch into drugstore products with no problem so I was always confused what kind or what brands to wear. …

BDJ Box: July 2013

I’ve been saying that subscriptions boxes aren’t always for me, but look at this! Thank goodness I subscribed for a July box, because everything inside was definitely worth the subscription. I mean look at the box(es)! There was more to it than the usual black BDJ Box. I think I’ll just let the photos do most of the blogging..

Fleeting Thoughts

I just realized I’m one of those people who often ask for advice on what looks nice, which is better or which option I should take; and once I receive that advice.. I stick with my original preference. Something similar happened to me today that made me realize that it’s sort of irritating. I always ask for advice when it comes to more than 1 option. Especially to my sister. Usually it involves what clothes or shoes to wear. I end up sticking to my original choice. My sister mentioned a few days ago that regardless of what she says or recommends I still choose the other one and go against the other option. Makes me wonder why I do this? I think it’s because I need validation that I made the right choice or that my choice is always the better one than the other? It boggles me that I need so much validation in order to verify my choices. That’s all, really. Fleeting thought of the day.