All posts filed under: Life

Makeup et Moi, pt. 1

I would say that 2013 is the year where I’m fully getting into cosmetics full time so I decided to try and make a series of blog posts about my journey so far. Aside from having a constant income that now allows me to purchase them and engage in cosmetic trial and error, this is the year I started to really “enhance” the outer me. I’ve been into makeup for as long as I can remember but being that kid with the worst acne (separate post for my skincare regime I guess), I was told to avoid them as much as possible. No products would fit my face and it seemed like anything I applied would result into breakouts. I guess I used the wrong products so they had very little influence on me. My mom, on the other hand, is a switcher. Anything works well with her face! She’d use high end products and can switch into drugstore products with no problem so I was always confused what kind or what brands to wear. …

BDJ Box: July 2013

I’ve been saying that subscriptions boxes aren’t always for me, but look at this! Thank goodness I subscribed for a July box, because everything inside was definitely worth the subscription. I mean look at the box(es)! There was more to it than the usual black BDJ Box. I think I’ll just let the photos do most of the blogging..

Fleeting Thoughts

I just realized I’m one of those people who often ask for advice on what looks nice, which is better or which option I should take; and once I receive that advice.. I stick with my original preference. Something similar happened to me today that made me realize that it’s sort of irritating. I always ask for advice when it comes to more than 1 option. Especially to my sister. Usually it involves what clothes or shoes to wear. I end up sticking to my original choice. My sister mentioned a few days ago that regardless of what she says or recommends I still choose the other one and go against the other option. Makes me wonder why I do this? I think it’s because I need validation that I made the right choice or that my choice is always the better one than the other? It boggles me that I need so much validation in order to verify my choices. That’s all, really. Fleeting thought of the day.

Quarter Life

I am now 25 years old! Yay? To celebrate my quarter life into this world, I will answer a simple tag meme to commemorate being young, and wild, and free, and all that jazz. It’s weird how it’s the first thing I thought of the moment I wanted to write about being 25, so here it is! Got this from tumblr. Also, the answers are pure honesty. No point in trying to be “cool” anymore. Past that stage. 1. How old are you? 25, baby.