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Things I Love Thursday, #4

Douglas Booth at #LFW.

How gorgeous is this guy? Not to mention he’s so well dressed, you can’t go wrong with that. If he doesn’t have a stylist who works for him, kudos! I’ve always been a fan of the Burberry poster boys (George Craig, Alex Watson, Sam Riley, Tom Guinness and Alex Pettyfer to name a few) and their campaigns are always spot on in terms of model casting. My top favorites have to be George Craig and Douglas Booth because they look a little rough on the ages but really fit the bill of the smooth look Burberry offers.


Suits is the 2nd best TV show I’ve seen this year after Shameless US (What is up with my favorites this year being only 12 episodes and not coming back until a whole full year?). It is SO good and I finished it in less than a week despite work. Until now I’m still in a Suits withdrawal and I’m still thinking about Harvey and Mike’s shenanigans in the world of law. This show is so witty, all the characters have such great chemistry, none of the stories are ever dragged out (you have to keep up with it, just like law) and you can’t help but love the whole ensemble. It’s pretty damn brilliant and as soon as I told the world (my twitter) that I was watching the series, more than a few twitter friends echoed their love for the show too.

Medium-length wavy bob

My hair is very long now and I’m leaning towards a hairstyle change. The last time I cut my hair really short was 3 years ago and I cried in the salon. Yup, not the best experience. The last time I had a haircut though, was 4 months ago and I don’t know what the Korean hairstylist did to my hair because it grew almost twice as long in the past 3 months, which is really weird because it takes forever for my hair to grow back! I’m bent on whether to keep my hair long and dye the ends in pink or bright red or cutting it short like Brooklyn’s and Jiyoung’s above. What I like about this medium wavy bob is that it doesn’t look like it needs high maintenance and I’ve always liked my hair to be as it is. It’s also not too short that you can’t style it. Oh how I love being a girl 😉 but the dilemma such as these definitely come with it.


  1. Gah. The way i’m looking at him now is totally how everyone’s gonna be looking at my boyfriend in his flash new suit at the ball on Sat D: lolz.

    The annoying thing about living in NZ is that we are SO BEHIND on tv shows. Today my friend from Seattle txted me and then sent me an email with a bunch of links to watch Suits. Which I shall. It looks promising!

    I hope you decide what to do with your hair in the end… but don’t be hasty about it. I had fully grown out my side fringe this year, but today i randomly decided to cut it myself, on a whim. It looks fine, but I still regret it because now i have to *deal* with it, haha.

  2. Wow, this Douglas Booth guy is definitely pretty, and he can really dress. I like 😛

    I’ve seen the ads of “Suits” a couple of times, but I never watched it. Although, it’s good to have recommendations like your’s, so I’ll definitely be looking up Suits (I love TV shows!).

    The short wavy bobness is a hot look. I would love to cut my hair to something similar to that. Yup!

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