All posts filed under: Fangirling

A Year Into

It’s officially going to be a week until a whole year has passed since the country declared a lockdown due to the coronavirus. I thought I’d pop in here to write about what I’ve been up to since the year started. Blogging hasn’t been on my mind for a while, thanks to my purchase of multiple Hobonichi planners and trying to do a good job of making sure I fill every page. It’s happened with my Hobonichi Weeks so far, and it’s nice to be able to spend at least a few minutes every day to jot down what’s going to happen soon or what’s happened in the past so I can look back on the year and feel like it’s been productive, despite all the shit we’re currently being dealt with, even until now. International travel has of course, been nonexistent for a while and continues to be, and I’m not sure my anxious self even dreams of wanting travel until this is all over, or at least until I receive the vaccine which …

RIP, Chester Bennington

“Who care if one more light goes out? I do.” Waking up to read about the passing of Chester, and his methods moreso, was such a shock to me and to many people who grew up in the same music generation as me. What a huge loss and tragedy to his family, his 6 children, his bandmates, and the music industry as a whole. In my case, it also contributes to a portion of an end of the mainstream nu metal music era, one which I loved and influenced by as I was growing up. Liking Linkin Park considered to be such a “revolution” to kids my age because we’d been depending on Korn, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Kittie (in my case because I was looking for a female-centered heavy metal band at the time) and similar bands who spewed out bad words after bad words with especially nonsensical lyrics to 11/12 year olds. Their lyrics, on the other hand, were heartfelt and full of emotion, angst, meaning, and that resonated with a whole lot when …

Friday’s 10 Happy Things, v14

I was a bit surprised to find out that my last 10HT entry was 3 months ago. I’ve been having some sort of a mental struggle lately and doing this series always reminds me to be grateful of what I have, despite the all the shitty things I’m feeling. 1. Meeting Erwan Heussaff. His film crew together with Wil & Haley Dasovich (who I also met) were in Cebu yesterday to do a Cebu leg for his Overnight Travel Guide series. I had dinner at the hotel they were staying at and glad I got to catch Erwan and had a little chat with him. I’ve been following him since he did his cooking videos on Vimeo that were so raw and authentic. Absolutely proud of his success and I’m glad he was such an easy person to have a conversation with. 2. My new Kindle cover. I ordered a baby pink magnetic cover for my Kindle Paperwhite off eBay about a month ago and didn’t expect for it to arrive at all, considering the …

The Sunday Currently, v19

This is going up quite early because I’m home on a Saturday x Sunday night! I’ve quite a lot going on for July so it’s a homebody weekend. The photo above correctly depicts my current position right now, lying on my stomach in bed in the dark, typing away on my MacBook. WANTING A new dog. It’s been exactly 4 years since Sushi died and she will forever be missed. Recently I’ve been getting that lingering feeling of having a pet and I think it’s time and that I am ready. I’m just looking for places where I can adopt or buy—whichever comes first. Owning a dog is a huge responsibility and should be taken seriously so I’m not going to rush into it because it’s something that requires a lot of decision making and extreme thought. Also when we bought Sushi, she chose us and not the other way around, so unless I get the same vibes from our soon-to-be dog then I won’t haphazardly make any rash decisions. LISTENING All of GOT7’s hits …

The Sunday Currently, v17

Welcome to the very first edition of this years’ The Sunday Currently! We’re on to the 3rd week of the 3rd month of the year and time is showing no signs of slowing down. My weekends are finally starting to show a footing of routine but I’m still at a crossroads of whether I like it or not. This has been the most unexpected year ever. Anyway, on to the post! FEELING Having a headache. I’m not sure if this was brought on by the chocolates I had after dinner and the tea I had with it, but as I sat down to catch up with work (yes, on a Sunday night), an onset of a migraine arrived. Tempted to take a Nyquil but I still have work to do so it will have to wait once I’m done. Aside from that, it’s been quite an eventful and satisfying weekend so I’m capping it off with a good dose of fangirling. WATCHING Honestly, videos related to work that I really don’t want to elaborate so …