Life, LULZ
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Half Over

It’s almost the 2nd half the year, y’all! I remember being in this position last year and wishing that time would rush so that I could get over all the bad feelings, the (physical and emotional) pain, the confusion, and all the crazy things I was experiencing at the time. Going through a breakup, a surgery and two more hospitalizations after that definitely took a toll on me. A whole year has passed and when I feel like my days are super mundane I snap out of that reality and focus on how so much has changed. What made me write this was when this entry came up on my Timehop this morning and I was like, damn, that was a year ago, huh. I mean, I went to New York after that!! If it’s not all right, then it definitely isn’t the end.

I wanted to write about the highlights of my year so far but I started to get lost in my thoughts again, then proceeded to go through my YouTube subscriptions. Typical me, can never stick with doing one thing and immediately go through the next one without wrapping things up.

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that even though it’s been a pretty eventful year there are things that still haven’t changed, like hardly failing to go through my subscribed videos of late night TV shows each night before I sleep, or that I’m still playing SimCity Buildit religiously, or that my existence on Twitter is still very much alive and possibly the longest commitment I’ve ever managed to keep. Further noting that I have managed to stay shallow and have shallow interests because I am sometimes trash and like trashy things. Hey, no judgement!

On a serious note, I can honestly say that living in Cebu still feels new even though I’ve already been here for a good 4 years; with indirect pressure from my family to go elsewhere. I’ve gained a lot of new friends that feel like family and a simpler outlook on things. Does that really happen as you get older? I remember being 17 and thinking I had infinite possibilities. 10 years later I still do but eventually I just want a small house by the sea with fast internet connection and mobile banking so I can have the ultimate work-life balance. Travel few times a year and broaden my knowledge. Such a simple thing to want but so difficult to achieve with real world getting in the way. Adulting has its moments.

I better get to sleep now. It’s 10 minutes after 2am and my ass is going to get kicked during workout later. Cheers to the rest of ’16!

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