All posts filed under: Life

Friday’s 10 Happy Things, v4

When Helga tweeted a reminder yesterday to do this week’s happy things, I realized it’s been over a month since my last one! I just got out of the hospital AGAIN after a 2-day stint (3rd time this year) so this week (actually the whole 2 months of June and July) has been a challenging one. Here I am still powering through! Let’s get it on. Post tonsillectomy recovery. It was a rough couple of weeks but this week was the opening to my full recovery. Goodbye, pain! FOOD. I am finally back to eating normally. You don’t know how happy this makes me. A new company phone. After months of struggling with Java enabled WhatsApp on my old Nokia, my boss in Singapore bought me an Android! Ah. The start of better, productive things. A weekend at the beach. It wasn’t just a weekend at the beach, or my parents’ hometown, or a place that I always go back to.. it was a chance to spend time and bond with my parents for a relaxing …

My Journey to Tonsillectomy Recovery

It’s officially day 13 of my road to post-op tonsillectomy recovery. I wanted to write about this whole ordeal so that I’d have something to look back on when I’m feeling shitty and make myself realize I’ve been in a shittier time such as this. No joke. Even celebrities who went through it can attest to that (yup, it’s good emotional band-aid for what I’m feeling). @Bethico gettin your tonsils out as adult is so painful. Hang on! It will end soon! — Kristin Chenoweth (@KChenoweth) March 1, 2012 Still in hell. #tonsillectomy — #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) June 24, 2015   The people close to me who went through tonsillectomy as adults are all men: my dad, and 2 Titos (uncle). They said I’d be fine. That tonsil-free life will be breezy, that I would only lose the ability to eat for a few days and it will all be happiness and ice cream for a week tops. They did NOT mention the pain. Here are the things I’ve had to go through in the past 13 days …

Around The Web #2: Inspirational Edition

I’ve been reading a lot of “feel-good” or “get back on your feet” stuff online and it gave me the idea to do an Around the Web entry. This stemmed from the realization that no matter how shitty, down, lonely, depressed, helpless, low you feel, you are not alone. You are not singled out from any misery in life. I came across a lengthy status from an old college friend on Facebook about how she was having a hard time, that she had no one to talk to, no shoulder to cry on, and despite having a husband and 2 lovely children she has never felt more alone than ever. Having a bit of a hard time myself, I told her that while I do not completely understand her situation, I know it’s not easy. That we all go through these tough ropes at some point in our life, but we have to constantly remind ourselves that this is all temporary, and at the end of the day we are all we have so we have to …

The Sunday Currently, v12

FEELING A little bit better, hopefully? It’s Day 9 of post-op recovery from tonsillectomy and while the previous days have been absolutely torture, I can actually see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. If you follow my twitter then you would have probably seen my tweets of the same kind below. The past week has been crazy. Tonsillectomy recovery in adults is not for the faint-hearted. I am glad I got to have a little bit of outside R&R this weekend because my family decided to book rooms at a beach resort nearby. After being cooped up in my room for a good 5 days crying in pain, I think I needed a different atmosphere. I did not imagine day 4-6 to be hurting this much. It’s synonymous to torture. #tonsillectomy — Justine (@juiceee) July 17, 2015 Other than that, today I found something that had the potential to break me and put me at my lowest. If this were me a month ago, I would have probably flipped and allowed …

What Are My Hidden Talents?

When The B Bar introduced another link-up for July, it immediately caught my eye and wanted to write about it. I admit I am quite selective with linkups but I will not pass up a chance to write about something that interests me, especially since I’ve been doing so well with blogging lately. I also like that this is another one of those entries that require positive self-introspection and that’s always a good cognitive exercise. What constitutes a hidden talent, really? Is it the something that you know you can do well but other people don’t know, or something that you have yet to discover but actually possess it (does that even make sense)? In my understanding it has always been the former, so let’s get on with it! Cooking I consider myself to be pretty okay at cooking. It’s mostly trial and error, but people who eat the meals I prepare are pretty satisfied by the end of the course. By no means am I a chef in the making, or have any formal …