All posts filed under: Life

The Sunday Currently, v11

FEELING I am finally discharged from the hospital after being admitted for 3 days and 2 nights. I’m feeling the after effects of hospitalization right now.. my throat hurts day 3 post-op, my jaw kind of hurts, my tongue hurts, and a little bit of my chest hurts when I try to breathe heavily. I’m not allowed to cough, to exert any effort, lay down flat on my back (neck to head needs to be elevated), lift heavy stuff, or talk too loud. That’s the extent of my physical pain right now. All else, still a mix bag of emotions. READING South of the Border, West of the Sun by Haruki Murakami. I’ve been on a roll with my reading lately. It seems like I’m reading a new book each time I write a new TSC post. I hoarded books for my recovery reading and I hope I get to finish them in a span of one week. LISTENING The only thing I can hear right now is the sound my room A/C. Truth to …

On Nerves and Recovery

It’s exactly 2:03am and I cannot sleep. A lot of things are happening today. My dad arrives from Jakarta/Singapore in a couple of hours, and I have to check myself into the hospital for my tonsillectomy later today. By 6am, I will have to zip my mouth (as what my doctor says, but really it’s just fasting) to prep for my surgery at noon. I’m just here in bed winging this entry because I’ve been tossing and turning, a ball of confusion, and nerves, and the let’s-just-get-it-over-with mindset. Surgery = tonsillectomy. If you’ve read my blog long enough you know that I’ve been struggling with tonsillitis on and off. I was hospitalized last April for the very same reason and my health has just been on major ping pong this year because of this crazy throat. Heck, even if you enter the word “tonsil” in my blog search bar there are a lot of entries from over the years that prove that this has been a recurring evil all throughout my existence. I think it …

The Sunday Currently, v10

It’s technically a Monday but I’ve had this entry lined up from last night that it would be a waste not to post it only because it’s past the day it’s supposed to be posted. Fuck blogging rules, right? Over the weekend I had no access to my laptop and my mobile was basically on overdrive so the thought of being able to post a concrete blog post totally escaped me. — FEELING Pretty great to say the least. I’m currently in Manila right now and the weekend is about to come to a close. Even though I booked flights impulsively (woes of a broken heart) I was still hesitant to fly because my health hasn’t exactly been optimum for a while now. I’m glad I did anyway because I had such a great time. Being with Jakarta friends just really takes burden off my shoulders and makes me feel like home, even amidst Manila craziness. READING Sophie Kinsella’s Finding Audrey. It’s a YA book about a young girl and her struggle with mental disorder. …

The Sunday Currently, v9

FEELING I’m okay for the most part, but generally anxious because of decisions I have to make that involves a lot of things at stake. Despite having a relaxing Sunday at home because of the rain (curse you), I did not sleep well at all. READING God-Shaped Hole by Tiffanie DeBartolo! Ham recommended me this book a few days ago and I’m almost halfway through it. It’s about a 27-year-old girl who falls in love with a quirky man and the book tells the story of their relationship. I relate to the girl in more ways than her age. I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well, but I’m ready for that. WRITING This blog post and a few comments on blogs on my list to read. LISTENING In between CNN Philippines and Cousins Undercover on Lifestyle Channel right now. This is the first time I’m blogging in the living room in front of the tv because I just need to occupy my mind. THINKING About so many things. You don’t even know. …

Finding Inspiration, Old and New

I mentioned in my previous blog post that it’s been a little bit challenging trying to go back to my old life. It’s weird because it’s not like I’m getting off from a long period of anything; but the changes I made during that period, whether long or short, I felt were for the better and for something really substantial. I didn’t imagine myself to be back where I started so abruptly. I admit it’s been a little frustrating because it’s making me crawl out of my previous comfort zone and look for new things to be interested in, and that itself is a journey that I’m just starting with. I’m beginning to find new things that inspire me, or going back to the old habits that I’m totally seeing in a different light. Either way, I’m attempting to list them out here in this blog. We never know, there may be a part ii for this. Yoga Yoga has always been my refuge, whether I’m feeling shitty or absolutely elated. It helps me regain …