Day 26 – Share: A difficult time in your life
The entry I was dreading to write is finally here. I actually wanted to put off writing this now but I decided to just go with it anyway, so I can get it over with. It’s funny how I’m able to blur out unwanted memories that when I look back on them the exact scenario is hazy but my feelings during that exact time or memory come rushing into me like it’s happening all over again. Wow, that was some weird branfart. Also, this is why I’m not a fan of these kind of questions and if I had a choice I prefer to not entertain them. Alas, this entry requires me to do so, so here it is. In 2008 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time I didn’t want to delve on the severity, plus she acted quickly on it and immediately flew to Singapore to have a mastectomy. Post-mastectomy she had to go through 8 chemotherapy sessions and a 30-day radiation treatment. It all happened in a span of …