All posts filed under: Life

Yogini Me

I’ve been going to yoga classes religiously for about almost 3 months now. I try my best to do it weekly, sometimes twice a week and my most so far has been three days in a row. To sum it up, it is something I have been really enjoying as opposed to doing them at home. I have always been shy to go to a class so I relied on YouTube practice, and unfortunately it didn’t really get me anywhere. So I decided to suck it up and finally attend a class! With the peak of my PCOS diagnosis, I decided it was time to up the physical game if I didn’t want to take pills (in which I want to avoid as much as possible). One thing that surprised me the most with yoga is that I sweat like crazy. Normally when I work out, or when I do cardio classes or when it’s hot it’s I get the usual human sweat levels but when I do yoga it gets multiplied by a thousand. …

The Sunday Currently, v2

Reading Old text messages so I can figure out which ones to delete. And all the articles about BBM being available for iPhone and Android because I want to know when I can get mine! This is the first time having a US App Store account gave me a disadvantage. Writing I don’t know if this qualifies as “writing” but I’m creating a banner for this series so that’s what I’m doing on Photoshop. Listening The Voice of the Philippines on TV downstairs. Thinking About how it’s payday this week. Woohoo! Plus how my bridesmaid dress is going to look like. I had measurements done last weekend and I couldn’t be more excited to see how it looks. Novella sent over some fabric from Indonesia and since she has 19 bridesmaids (IKR) she let us have control of our own dresses but stick to a color scheme. Smelling Eucalyptus. Just had a massage about an hour ago. It was a killer massage because of all the yoga I’ve been doing. Wishing That monthly visits arrive …

The Happy List

Decided to join Camie’s The Happy List project! I think one of the things that keeps you going through the day, the week, the month, the year (basically FOREVER) is when you look back at the things that make you happy and focus on it. Not only that, it’s also making me a better blogger (in terms of frequency) because I get to answer questions that’s already laid out instead of trying to cook up a blog post. I’m actually thinking of doing product reviews on makeup I’ve recently acquired since there have been a few so far. But let’s save that on the next few posts, as long as laziness to pick up my DSLR doesn’t kick in! Here goes my list. Updating my apps. I’m an update whore! Spending time with my sister because I rarely see her during the week. Daily LINE chats with Rob and Mark even though I’m bad at replying. Love you guys, still! 🙂 Hot tea on a rainy day. When I get my eyebrows in perfect shape. …

The Sunday Currently, v1

I know it’s technically Monday already because it’s exactly 12:16am right now but I don’t care, I’m doing this! Excitement is still there, it’d be too late if I waited until next week. Anything that can make me a much more diligent blogger these days. Got this from Helga and this is where it started. Reading This cheesy free e-book from iBooks called Resisting the Bad Boy by Violet Duke. It’s not as bad as how I thought it would be! It’s pretty cute actually. Started reading it a few weekends ago when I was bored in the province and I go back to it when I can’t sleep. Writing This blog entry! Listening U&I by Ailee. Currently my jam. As far as non K-pop it’s The Lumineers’ Stubborn Love. Thinking About travel plans next month! I finally booked my tickets to go back to Jakarta for late October because one of my best girlfriends from uni is getting married. I haven’t been back since February last year! This is the longest time I’ve been …

Updates and Other Crazy Realizations

I feel like slapping myself for getting another thought of creating another blog just for my “personal logs”. As if this blog wasn’t personal enough and AS IF I DON’T HAVE TOO MANY BLOGS ALREADY! Sometimes I make myself laugh and I drive myself crazy for all the unnecessary reasons. Too much anxiety, too many impulse buys, crazy fangirling, so many emotions, fickleness, hypochondriac tendencies. The list just goes on. I just realized I haven’t been consistently logging on Day One as well. My last entry was about my PCOS diagnosis. Nope, I have not started pills yet because I’m scared as fuck about mood swings and getting depressed and gaining a shitload more weight so I feel like I have to go back to the doctor again. If I don’t get my period within a month again then FINE I will start taking it. This is such a contrast to my previous post about all things pretty and makeup. Something I have to control as well. I’ve been hoarding cosmetics the past few months …