All posts filed under: Life

Hey there, March

March is as bittersweet as it gets. Here I am nursing a leukocytosis, my WBC count is high thus I have what it is called a bacterial infection, in layman’s term. My second batch of ASOS goods never arrived since my purchase last December, so I got a refund. As much as I love having money again.. I really wanted those things. Nevertheless, I still love ASOS for its amazing sale goods and really great customer service. It’s a shame the Philippine Post Office sucks monkey balls. I will be traveling to Korea end of month. I am so excited! Getting to see the city I’ve been wanting to go to for a few years now, catching up with old friends, hopefully meeting new ones and meeting one of my best friends whom I haven’t seen in a while. Should be good! I’ve been struggling a bit when it comes to keeping my finances in tact. This uphill road to financial independence is starting to take a toll on me. 2012 went by too fast …

Shaky Start

It’s that time of the year again when I feel the most anxious. I don’t know why. Hoping for things to get better within me but then suddenly I realize I’m back in that ugly hole again. Here’s for better days.

Mobile Phone History

Saw a post in one of the blogs I subscribe to where he listed all the phones he’s ever owned so I felt like doing mine. If I am not mistaken these are the phones that I previously owned. I forgot which years though, but I do remember which times in my life I owned them. Nokia 6110 (6th grade) Nokia 3210 (7th grade) Nokia 8250 (8th grade) Sony Ericsson T610 (9th-10th grade) Nokia 6020 (college in Cebu) Motorola Razr V3 (uni in Jakarta) BlackBerry Curve 8310 (2008-2009) BlackBerry Curve 8900 (late 2009-early 2011) BlackBerry Bold 9780 (2011-2012) Samsung GT-E1195 Samsung GT-E1080F iPhone 4S (2012-present) Alcatel OT-255D I feel liked I missed a few. I kinda have this thing for buying cheap phones that end up just lying around the house.. those are the ones indicated in Italics. Heh.


My blog got hacked a few weeks ago. A lot of changes were made, and I still haven’t really restored it back fully as how it was before the hacking took place. Everything’s still in the process of putting back the pieces together. It’s another year, another struggle to become a good blogger. As much as I don’t want to call it a struggle because I’ve always loved doing it and I’ve always looked forward to having an outlet online to pour out my thoughts, it still is. The problem is the moment I decide to delete my domains (I have about 4 or 5) I would just itch to blog. So it’s better if I had this. I won’t try to be such a good blogger anymore, any pressure on myself doesn’t always result positively. It’s not like I have avid readers who hang on to my every word, this domain purchase for a blog was really intended for more personal thoughts and less self-pimping out. I’ll continue to make writing a “therapy” as …

One Day Or Another

Last year’s journaling efforts weren’t successful. My dad bought me a 2012 Daily Moleskine for Christmas and I was so so so excited. I finally owned one and I wrote every day. For about the first 3 months. During the second month a very unfortunate thing happened that caused my Moleskine to get all wet and a few pages got smudged and unreadable. Still, I proceeded to write everyday, even just a little. Then I got busy with work, settling in Cebu, shifting my comfort zone to another comfort zone, changed my BlackBerry to an iPhone (finally) and a full page turned into a half page, turned into bullet points until a whole year passed by and I’ve only got until March will full pages, April dwindling down, almost stopped writing on May, and hardly had any pages filled on June.. until the year ended. It’s a bit disappointing really, because I had always expected myself to write for the rest of the year. That was one of my new year resolutions, dammit. But other …