All posts filed under: Life

Monday Blues

It was such a chore to get up this morning, I wasn’t feeling the day and totally dreaded it. I hate it when I wake up with negative vibes but what’s good about it is it doesn’t usually last until the end of the day (unless there’s a strong reason for it to last). Plus I haven’t had a bad Monday in a really long time so waking up that way really left a bad taste in my mouth. Fortunately for me, our bosses didn’t come in today so my mood immediately got lighter and following SMTOWN New York livetweets gave me some good second-hand fangirling vibes. It’s lunchtime now and while workload has been bittersweet the first half of the day (it’s the good news bad news kind) I’m just thankful I don’t feel so negative anymore. Sometimes you really can’t help what to feel. Being a Gemini, I can attest to that. Here are some photos I took during the weekend, which was pretty eventful that I didn’t really get sleep until Sunday …

P300 Test Shots

I just got back home after buying a new camera, the Nikon Coolpix P300. I’ve been wanting a compact camera with almost SLR-like capabilities and have been eyeing the Canon S95 for the longest time.. until I saw the P300 a few weeks ago. It has everything I need in a camera, with Full HD video recording. I get really lazy lugging around the DSLR and wanted to find an alternative. I don’t mind not having RAW because the SLR does that and this price tag fit just right in my budget as opposed to the S95 or the upcoming S100 (before going extremely broke). I’ve also been wanting to find a good compact camera to bring to a concert next month, a concert that doesn’t allow and professional cameras whatsoever. While in the car on the way home I did some random shots and tested its low light capabilities and boy was I impressed. My previous camera, the Canon IXUS 80 sucked so bad when it came to low light situations that’s why this …

Paris Mon Ami

Indonesian fashion blogger and one of my close friends, Caroline Robianto, invited me to a fashion event by Hermés called Paris Mon Ami to launch their new scarf line in Indonesia. I’m not usually a fashion person (although my bff says otherwise), I mean most of the time I prefer comfort over style but I never not care about how I look and always try too look my best even in just shorts and flip flops. So when she told me she was going to invite me, I admit I was sort of freaking out. I wasn’t in the league of fashionable people!!! WHAT TO WEAR HOW TO ACT.

Things I Love Thursday, #4

Douglas Booth at #LFW. How gorgeous is this guy? Not to mention he’s so well dressed, you can’t go wrong with that. If he doesn’t have a stylist who works for him, kudos! I’ve always been a fan of the Burberry poster boys (George Craig, Alex Watson, Sam Riley, Tom Guinness and Alex Pettyfer to name a few) and their campaigns are always spot on in terms of model casting. My top favorites have to be George Craig and Douglas Booth because they look a little rough on the ages but really fit the bill of the smooth look Burberry offers. Suits Suits is the 2nd best TV show I’ve seen this year after Shameless US (What is up with my favorites this year being only 12 episodes and not coming back until a whole full year?). It is SO good and I finished it in less than a week despite work. Until now I’m still in a Suits withdrawal and I’m still thinking about Harvey and Mike’s shenanigans in the world of law. This …

Things I Love Thursday, #3: Recent Buys

Finally back to blogging after the holidays, which were great. First 5 days spent lazing about, watching City Hunter and adopting DOLCE FAR NIENTE into my life, something which I never have the luxury of doing anymore ever since I got out of uni and the next 5 days were spent with family in a vacation to Singapore and Bintan Island. Shopping, the beach.. too good. Before I talk about the vacation and upload some photos, when I was in Singapore I did a bit of shopping. Some new clothes, new shoes, make-up, skin care, foodtrips, accessories.. not too many but enough to make me satisfied and quite broke. Sigh, but no sigh! Out of everything I bought these are probably the top 3 buys which I was most happy about, and also another edition of TILT. 1. Kameria Baby Face BB Cream, about $25 I’ve heard a lot about BB Creams before, the wonders they’ve done to women and how some people swear by these products. In the beginning I wasn’t really swayed but …