All posts filed under: Life


Late last year I bought a new journal that I vowed to write on whenever something in my life came up. It’s a purple small book, sort of like a poor man’s Moleskine. I love it. I bring it with me everywhere now and just jot down or scribble whatever is on my mind. The first few months of this year was when I really wrote a lot. Almost every day. Now it’s just a couple of times every few weeks and lately a few times a week. I’ve been feeling really good about writing on a journal again about my feelings and what it writes for me. I’m gonna laugh/cry/remember when I look back that’s always a good thing. I have this thing about journals though they never last because I always find a nicer looking one where I proceed to write out newer thoughts. Since I love this one so much I want to just keep on writing here. So random.. me blogging about writing on a journal. I have too many thoughts …

On Feelings

When it comes to love and all that stuff, I’ve never been good at “feelings”. I give out advice like I’m so pro at it, but the truth is I can’t communicate it well enough when it comes to myself. It happens to a lot of people and unfortunately I am one of them. So when these “feelings” come and enter my life, I’m at a loss. For words, for emotions, my mind and heart are in knots and I overanalyze, I overthink, and in the end it complicates things not only for myself but for everyone I communicate these “feelings” to. Sometimes I’m too hard on myself.. that I end up losing everything in the end. That’s probably what’s happening right now but other factors are also to blame. Like pride. Every one doesn’t want to lose their pride but there’s something in me that hurts, even when I’m just about to communicate with it, tell myself that it’s okay to feel things, it’s okay when these things happen. But pride overrides itself. I’m …

Back In Jakarta

There’s something about coming back from vacation in the Philippines that always leaves me to a state of utter slump when I’m back in Jakarta. Ever since I got back I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how great my vacation was. 14 days back home in Cebu certainly wasn’t enough but at the same time it filled me with so much euphoria, fun and excitement that I hardly cared about getting enough sleep or eating. I would get about only 2-3 hours of sleep a day but whenever I ate, I would always savor it because it’s food I hardly get to eat often. Home is where the heart is, and my homes are both in Cebu AND Jakarta, so it’s gonna make for a tough decision in the future. I have two SD cards overflowing with photos from my trip and as much as I want to share it right now, work has been piling up like mad. I arrived on the eve of Saturday and spent the day nursing a vacation …


I’m on vacation right now and the past week has just been so amazing with lots of fun in the sun and fun after-hours (and lack of sleep). Haven’t been in front of a computer ever since but I’ve been on BIS the whole time so here’s a glimpse of the the island from my phone. I’d like to upload more but it’s sorta a bitch uploading photos from a BlackBerry. Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Three Years: A Small Reflection

The Lenten season is always a sensitive/sentimental time for me. It was 3 years ago when I found out my mom had Breast Cancer. I won’t elaborate on how it happened but I remembered it being the Holy Week when we found out exactly. I wasn’t so scared then but I was definitely worried. I was trying to be strong, all the while subcionsciously gathering my fear in unknown places because I was more scared after everything passed. During that time I remember being really thankful to my bestest friends for being there for me all the way, especially Noemi and Chino who stuck through one full day with me when my mom was in the operating bed in the neighboring country Singapore while I was stuck in Jakarta wondering what the hell was happening to my life and how it came this way. I don’t usually dwell on my mom’s sickness but sometimes (like now) I can’t help but feel like crying when I think about how much she went through and how strong …