All posts filed under: Love & Relationships

Things I Love Thursday, #6

I really want to do this post regularly but I seem to be drawn to Sunday Currently posts more. Anyhoo, I got such a perfect opportunity because it’s a nice Thursday to think about what I’ve been enjoying recently. 1. The Way Way Back I watched this movie last Sunday night and really enjoyed it. It somewhat made me realize that I am mostly drawn to coming-of-age themes in movies. Not necessarily YA, but topics like finding yourself and realizing who you are and what you want to be, regardless of someone young or someone old. 2. Clue app Clue is what I use for tracking my period. Even better, it reminds me to take my pills on time. It’s so efficient because it’s quite accurate and allows me to enter different moods as well. A 16yo girl’s post on Tumblr pretty much summarizes the points of why Clue is so awesome. This app has really helped me not miss taking my pills, which in turn, is helping me finally regulating my period even after …

Let’s Get It On, 2015

It’s already the start of February and I have yet to lay out my goals for 2015. I was reading this tweet that said January lasted for a good 3 minutes and somehow I agree! There are days that seem so long but the next thing you know it’s the end of the month, or worse.. the end of the year. 41. What do you want the overarching theme for your 2015 to be? Finance discipline. Money management. Money matters. Right now it’s not going as well as I hoped, but I guess I won’t beat myself too much over it because I did just sign up for two investment plans so it’s not entirely a failure on my part. Just can’t help those impulses, you know? Especially when you see pretty and shiny things even though they are a product of looking into a computer/tablet/phone for far too long. I am the ultimate consumer. 42. What do you want to see, discover, explore? More of the Philippines. I know I said this last year, …

Day 16 – What’s the ____ thing you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t yet?

Sometimes I hate answering questions I have to figure out the question to. This is so weird. What’s the BLAH thing I’ve wanted to do, but haven’t yet? Let’s see.. I think this is going to take a while. “What’s the sweetest/most romantic you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t yet?” There you have it. I’ve always wanted to declare my feelings for a guy without having to think about my pride, or what people think, or what my family thinks or what MY MIND thinks. The issue here is, I’m not much of a romantic girl. I can’t act selflessly towards the opposite sex and can never rely on JUST my feelings. I feel like I always need external reinforcement if I wanted to make a decision on matters of the heart. In the near future I hope to be able to do this. Just act selflessly without any fear.. because I don’t think it’s even about rejection because that, I can handle. Showing that I am vulnerable and void of any trait that enables me to …

Nothing With Someone

If you’ve read my tumblr or this blog you know I am an avid follower of the genius little site that is asofterworld. I like that amidst all the sarcastic and hard-hitting punchlines, there comes a sweet gem like the poster above. I have been single for a while now, and while I don’t mind it because I’m still trying to figure myself out (and the rest of the world for that matter) sometimes it does bother me especially since my mother has been on my back about getting a boyfriend for some time now. She is very concerned about me being single. I get it. I am approaching mid-twenties now (THE HORROR) and she probably wants me to start being secure with someone already. Like many out there, I still have issues with commitment and I’m just trying to put all the pieces together and get to know as many guys out there. Nevermind the fact that I always get the “don’t-like-the-one-who-likes-you”/”like-the-one-who-doesn’t-like-you” syndrome. I just miss the whole doing nothing with someone, the kind …

Time Machine: Always a Cycle, Right?

Found something I wrote about 6 years ago. Can’t believe I was able to write something like this, let alone still the feel the same way as I do up to now. Wow. The power of the time machine. Sometimes we can’t ever understand which state we’re in or what we’re feeling. Sometimes we never notice the weirdest things. Like when we’re spending so much time with this person and realizing we’re actually falling for them. Or for the fact that we think they’re falling for us too, but they might not be. So many things are deceiving. A single look can be deceiving. A single touch can be deceiving. Either way, we can never tell. We might be able to tell what is most subtle, through action, words or that occasional “glance” which makes your world stop for a nanosecond. But being able to decipher them is another different thing. I never really reflect on my past relationships because I’ve never really learned anything from them. The bigger picture, to say is that I …