All posts filed under: Rantage

Fifty Shades of Me No Likey

I think it’s about time I address this book and write about it. I haven’t really encountered a “bad book” until this one and I consider myself quite the pop culture bandwagonner and read most of the mainstream books so I decided to give the Fifty Shades series a chance, mostly because of the movie buzz that surrounded it. I did the same with Twilight a few years ago and ended up quite enjoying the series. It didn’t turn me into a Twihard, but I didn’t close myself off to the succeeding books and eventually the movie franchise (which I’m quite indifferent about actually, so to speak). Now about Fifty Shades, well it hurt my brain. It was such a struggle to read! I read on even though I knew it already was an awful book to start with from the first few chapters because I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt. It was popular for a reason right? I loved Harry Potter, Twilight wasn’t so bad and The Hunger Games was …

Hate Is a Strong Word

I hate.. how I’m not reading books anymore. how I stopped writing on my Moleskine once life started happening, which totally sucks because I promised myself in the beginning of the year that it would be the only New Years’ Resolution I’d complete. how I can’t fucking fix my clothes right after changing 5x a day coz I can’t decide what to wear. how I haven’t took out and arranged all the contents of my moving box from Jakarta simply coz I’m “too lazy”. how I’m nearing quarter life crisis. how I have really poor financial skills. Save save save! how I can’t really get rid of my BlackBerry because I have so many family members and friends on it. how I feel like an idiot whenever I switch from my BlackBerry and iPhone. how snobbish I feel and sound writing those 2 statements above. how I can’t even cook up a decent blog post despite so many things going on in my mind. how my (irrational) fears still keep me from doing the things …


Best describes my thoughts right now. Ever since April started, I can’t seem to put my mind into place. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing, although it’s not bothering me all that much (subconsciously it isn’t, but when it comes to my mind it does) there’s still that weird feeling I get. I’m confused myself. I just get these moments like, “Okay let’s take a reality check. What is happening.” I’m thankful I have work to keep me sane and happy. Hope I figure out all of this soon.

Broken Camera

I’m really sad about my camera. Fuck man, this totally sucks. Today I went to the Nikon Service Center to supposedly have my camera fixed but after finding out it’s going to cost as much as 80% of the current cost of the camera just really brought me down. So now I’m finding out a way to send the camera back to Jakarta because the warranty’s there so I went to FedEx and the shipping cost is just as much as the repair cost. Those events really brought me down. Thank goodness work just took it all away. I love the camera to bits (and my iPod–but I haven’t gotten to that part yet) and have so many events currently happening and will happen in my life that can’t be documented all because I fucking left my tumbler open inside my bag. Excuse the all the french but damn. Fuuuuuuuuuudge. I can’t even post photos on this blog anymore and that really really makes me sad. UGH! I can’t not care. I need to find …

It’s a Colorful One

It’s funny how I try to update my layout but my blogging mojo still ends up being shit. Ever since moving back to Cebu my life has been a happy breeze, time has been consumed very productively (sleep is productive ok) but of course it’s hardly a win-win situation. Life may be currently great, but my gadgets are not. I made a stupid mistake of putting an open tumbler inside my bag. While both my phones were safe from the results of my stupidity.. my camera, my iPod Touch and my Moleskine weren’t. Needless to say, those 3 loves of mine aren’t in very good condition right now. I feel awful, really really awful. And not just “How will I be able to play Temple Run again?” awful, just really really awful. My iPod is alive, but it does not respond to any touch. My camera is intact, but it refuses to turn on. My Moleskine is back to dry, but the pages that I wrote in using that pretty purple Muji pen are almost …