All posts filed under: The Web

Walk That Blog

Things that I happened after the last time I wrote in here: I turned 24! Oh my goodness. 24 is such a gross age. LOL no seriously, I’m still 19 at heart and will remain that way until someone knocks some sense into my head. My birthday was great. I was with my closest friends and they were with me when the clock strike 12 on the 21st. Even my parents stopped by after midnight. At around 3am it was spent with 3 of my bestest friends laughing, eating, and drinking. Then a few days later the family spent the night at the beach resort to celebrate me and my dad’s birthday (we’re only 2 days apart). I did see the whale sharks! We pushed through with our not-so-impromptu trip to the South of Cebu. Ended up staying the night (I had no extra clothes) and decided to go whale shark-watching in the early morning. It’s pretty cool how such sea creatures exist. I want to go again. Fell out of likeness just as quickly …

Random Tumblr Things #1

Should have done this way long ago. It helps with random bouts of inspiration here and there. I like too many things it gets a little difficult to align my thoughts all the time sometimes. Expect more of this in the future. I want a room like this. Mila Kunis by Terry Richardson Are we? Josh Beech and the Johns – Lights I miss the waves. Good thing summer is coming soon.

Pink for October

It’s officially one week into October and it makes me stop and think, “Where the fuck did time go?” 2011 has been more often a great year than not, and I’m immensely thankful for that. One of the things I am always thankful for up to now, is that my mom is still and continues to be happy and healthy. She has been a breast cancer survivor for 3 years now and there’s not a single day in which I am not thankful about her current health. When I saw this OctoPink theme while browsing the web I thought it looked really nice and appropriate for the blog. Pink happens to be the representing color for Breast Cancer Awareness so I decided to change to this theme for a whole month. I’ve always been neutral with the color pink, sometimes I love it sometimes I don’t but there’s always something about pink which catches your attention. Just a few months ago my aunt who lives in New York (and also a breast cancer survivor) gave …

RIP Steve Jobs

RIP Uncle Steve. You truly are, one of the greatest of our time. You’re going to be one hard act to follow.. but you paved the way for so many enthusiasts who don’t only aspire to create like you but have your integrity and perseverance. You will be missed.

Parents & Facebook Timeline

Some few weeks ago while in the car with my parents both of them wouldn’t shut up about this guy that may or may not be part of my life right now. My mom friended him on Facebook (GAH) and just kept grilling me with questions about him and if all my recent statuses had something to do with him. So I shouted, “I’M GONNA UNFRIEND BOTH OF YOU TOMORROW!” My dad laughed, my mom shouted back, “DON’T YOU DARE!” Being an only child for 12 years and have an extremely close relationship with your parents, conversations like these with them aren’t unfamiliar at all. I remember when I first started out with Facebook and had a lot of crazy photos (aka when parents had no knowledge about social networking) account privacy didn’t have much of a strong impact then so I made sure my parents didn’t know I had one but it’s so different now. Family members started getting their accounts from your aunt to your uncle even your great-aunt. It’s like my Facebook …