Author: Justine

2015 Year In Review, Part II

For Part I, click here. 21. What was your most common mental state last year (e.g. excited, curious, stressed)? In between excited and anxious. It was a constant battle. 22. Was there anything you did for the very first time in your life last year? 2016 was a year of many firsts. First time being hospitalized multiple times, first time opening my heart to someone wholeheartedly, first time traveling to the States, first time seeing snow, first time working from home, and so many more I can’t recall further. 23. What was your favourite moment spent with your friends? Many many many moments worth the cherish. The core‘s impromptu Singapore trip that was totally unplanned and jampacked, Camiguin trip with office girls, my impromptu weekend trip to Manila that led to a series of fun events, moments when my best friend stayed with me for almost 2 months (beach trips, constant hangs), another year of an extended birthday celebration that lasted for a good 5 days, impromptu South of Cebu roadtrip with friends and chasing …

2015 Year In Review, Part I

Hello there! Happy Valentines Day and welcome to my very first entry of the year. Before I go through what’s been happening, I’d like to do another set of Year In Review entries again, like what I did last year (here). I remember having a really good introspective moment while doing that entry and while I feel like so much happened last year, I can’t believe it’s been more than one whole year since I did that. Ah, time. 1. What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about? If you feel like the decision is right for yourself no matter how scary, make it. 2. If you had to describe your 2015 in 3 words, what would they be? Full. Of. Surprises. 3. What new things did you discover about yourself? I can actually fall in love. 4. What single achievement are you most proud of? Making decisions for myself despite what people around me think. 5. What was the best news you received? Oh, I had my fair …

Life, Lately

WARNING: This is going to be a long one because OVERCOMPENSATING! Heee. I know I haven’t been writing much in this little blog of mine. Even my blog challenge for this year is going down the drain, siiiiigh. It’s something I was trying really hard to complete and not cheat (e.g. scheduling posts) but I realized it could have been more helpful if I did. Anyway.. to start off this life lately entry: Hello from New York! I’m here for the holidays and all throughout the first half of January so that’s about a month. Still beating jetlag after 5 days and I hope this normalizes soon. It’s funny coz I’m not usually a fan of cold weather and winter in general, but I got used to it way sooner than the whole sleep/jetlag thing. Granted, I was still working during the first Monday after I got here and that helped with actually making me do something as opposed to just sitting waiting for the right time to sleep. Jetlag is a tricky thing, and it is one …

Day 11 – Use the ellipsis in a photo

I’m not really sure what the significance is to use the ellipsis in a photo but I’m guessing it’s to create awareness because this is a blog challenge that I took off the internet. I took this photo from my friend’s Sunrise Party last week and instead of focusing of the developed part of Cebu, I went and took a photo of the vast green land and nature. I’m pretty fortunate to come from a city that’s not too crazy, and views like this are just 30 minutes away. In other news, I’ve been doing so bad with this blog challenge! Such a contrast to last year where I completed it in less than 2 months! My goal is to definitely get this done BEFORE the end of the year. Can you believe the year is almost ending? Graaaah. I feel like the year just started yesterday. Nuts, I tell you.

Friday’s 10 Happy Things, v10

Happy 10th to this blog series! I’ve really gone to love this blog series as it allows me to look back on positive stuff that has happened during my week. It’s therapeutic in a sense! Bumping into the Pastillas boys. Last Saturday night, we (my mom & sister) had dinner at Mizu, the Japanese restaurant over at Waterfront Hotel. We didn’t really want to head home after dinner so we decided to just chill at the lobby cafe; get dessert, have tea and just lounge. This is something we’ve always loved to do as a family even when we were back in Jakarta, so it was a nice night. There was an event in one of the ballrooms and apparently the boys who joined that Pastillas segment in Showtime were a few of the guests. If something is to be known about me, it’s that I followed that twitterserye and ate it up like a true Filipino fangirl. My mom took photos of me together with the chosen one, Richard, and the Australian guy, Michael. …