All posts filed under: Food

Day 25 – Your favorite: Recipe and comfort food

My favorite recipe is the super easy to do BCP (Bacon Cheese Pasta), which can also be called a simple carbonara. It’s always been my go to pasta recipe because I’m more into white sauce than red. Ingredients include, but not limited to: 1 pack of pasta – any sort, but I like to use either linguine, spaghetti, or fettuccine. I’ve tried it with farfalle and rigatoni and it just didn’t work (the photos on google images look so good though!). 3 eggs 1 to 2 blocks of cheese – mozarella or parmesan (tried both and it works well) 3-5 long bacon strips Boil/cook the pasta, I like to put a bit of olive oil and a pinch of salt to the pan so it doesn’t stick too much. While the pasta cooks you can crack your eggs open and beat them until they’re mixed well. Grate your cheese block. GRATE IT ALL until finish and put them in a bowl together with the beated eggs. At this point you can add seasoning if you …

Hey there, March

March is as bittersweet as it gets. Here I am nursing a leukocytosis, my WBC count is high thus I have what it is called a bacterial infection, in layman’s term. My second batch of ASOS goods never arrived since my purchase last December, so I got a refund. As much as I love having money again.. I really wanted those things. Nevertheless, I still love ASOS for its amazing sale goods and really great customer service. It’s a shame the Philippine Post Office sucks monkey balls. I will be traveling to Korea end of month. I am so excited! Getting to see the city I’ve been wanting to go to for a few years now, catching up with old friends, hopefully meeting new ones and meeting one of my best friends whom I haven’t seen in a while. Should be good! I’ve been struggling a bit when it comes to keeping my finances in tact. This uphill road to financial independence is starting to take a toll on me. 2012 went by too fast …

Welcoming 2012

…and just like that, it’s another new year. I’m going to be redundant and say that FUCK, HOW DOES TIME FLY SO FAST? I’m (still) in the Philippines right now, and still loving it despite endless eating and drinking. There are so many things I want to say but I don’t know where to start. I want to be candid with this blog starting from this year but I wanna be just as candid to myself. I feel like I’m so open and transparent about so many things but there are other things I hate to admit to myself, and have so much fear about things and life that I need to start taking charge and practice on how to get rid of those things. I will get there, just you wait. New Year’s Eve was spent with my family and cousins at the Waterfront Hotel Cebu, first NYE spent with so many strangers in one room. Our NYE’s usually consisted of big family events or family friends, then after dinner and fireworks I’d go …

Brunch, Lunch, and Laughter

Last Saturday my girl Novella had a birthday lunch to celebrate her 25th year into this world. The lunch became a very late lunch because the celebrant was not only fashionably late, she was absolutely late 😉 I love you anyway bb. Prior to that Caroline & I decided to grab late brunch at the same time to pick up the red velvet cake we got for N at this lovely place called Convivium Deli in the South.

Monday Blues

It was such a chore to get up this morning, I wasn’t feeling the day and totally dreaded it. I hate it when I wake up with negative vibes but what’s good about it is it doesn’t usually last until the end of the day (unless there’s a strong reason for it to last). Plus I haven’t had a bad Monday in a really long time so waking up that way really left a bad taste in my mouth. Fortunately for me, our bosses didn’t come in today so my mood immediately got lighter and following SMTOWN New York livetweets gave me some good second-hand fangirling vibes. It’s lunchtime now and while workload has been bittersweet the first half of the day (it’s the good news bad news kind) I’m just thankful I don’t feel so negative anymore. Sometimes you really can’t help what to feel. Being a Gemini, I can attest to that. Here are some photos I took during the weekend, which was pretty eventful that I didn’t really get sleep until Sunday …