All posts filed under: Food

Back In Jakarta

There’s something about coming back from vacation in the Philippines that always leaves me to a state of utter slump when I’m back in Jakarta. Ever since I got back I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how great my vacation was. 14 days back home in Cebu certainly wasn’t enough but at the same time it filled me with so much euphoria, fun and excitement that I hardly cared about getting enough sleep or eating. I would get about only 2-3 hours of sleep a day but whenever I ate, I would always savor it because it’s food I hardly get to eat often. Home is where the heart is, and my homes are both in Cebu AND Jakarta, so it’s gonna make for a tough decision in the future. I have two SD cards overflowing with photos from my trip and as much as I want to share it right now, work has been piling up like mad. I arrived on the eve of Saturday and spent the day nursing a vacation …

General Retrospect

I meant to post about a pretty awesome weekend where I watched Sondre Lerche and Corinne Bailey Rae and attended one of my closest friend’s wedding but I’ll get to that later. Work has been sorta biting my ass this week (well except for my rest Monday–had no work that time), I’ve hardly had any time to sit down in front of a WP page that when I found a chance I grabbed it straight away. I was sorting out my backups folder when I found a couple of old blog posts that I had saved and it got me thinking how my writing was so much better then. These days when I blog I’m always finding it hard to construct sentences in my head to tell a story or describe something. For example this morning while I was taking a shower, I suddenly thought of things to write about and had them saved up in my head. Of course the minute I turned the shower off all the thoughts went off with it. I …

New Name, Old Face & Chinese Food

You may or may not have noticed that I changed my URL once again. I love blogging, I really do. This is proof that I haven’t given up on it and probably never will. I just wish I wasn’t so mindful with my writing because I end up giving up halfway when I feel that my writings seems mundane and uninteresting. After all, this is for me to look back on. A couple of things: [blackbirdpie url=”″] JOSH BEECH replied to me on twitter and even retweeted my previous bog post! It only means one thing, he read it. I’ve spoken to him on MSN before because like I said in the previous post, I was one of his early twitter followers and he gave out his old old MSN ID so we got to talk for a little while just as he was about to go offline. That was definitely one of my fangirl highlights. Last night we had an early Chinese New Year dinner with workmates from China. Great food, as usual. I …


Believe it or not, I’ve never tried Ferrero Rondnoir until today. I’ve always been the Rocher person. But I sometimes prefer dark chocolate to regular chocolate because my tonsils are very sensitive and it blows up pretty much when I stuff in too much sweets into my mouth. My officemate just got back from a weekend in Singapore and brought me this small box of Ferrero Rondnoir. It is DELICIOUS. I don’t know if I’m exaggerating but I love it. My favorite of all time is Toblerone (simple girl, simple pleasures) because the chocolate speaks to me. But this may be the 2nd on my list now. I haven’t had chocolates in ages, also probably why the taste was great. Thanks to Google Images it was so easy for me to find a photo. I wanted to take a photo of mine but I did a DOMO-KUN on it already and NOM-ed it.