When I turned Twenty-Three
This is an overdue entry because I turned 23 last May and I’m only writing about it now. I’m usually in denial when it comes to turning older because my mind and heart never is. I guess this is what they mean when they say, “age is just a number”. I’ve always had awesome birthdays spent with friends and loved ones, a day where I am extra thankful for the things in my life that I have and a day where I can just be me, and get away with it. The morning of my birthday, my mom and sister surprised me with mini balloons as soon as I woke up. Apparently humiliation from parents in this generation consists of uploading photos of you on Facebook on your birthday just as you have woken up with all the “morning glory”. I was thankful, nonetheless. My family is the best. Because I was leaving for a short Singapore trip with my dad later that night, my usual birthday dinner party which have been this sort of …