All posts filed under: Life

When I turned Twenty-Three

This is an overdue entry because I turned 23 last May and I’m only writing about it now. I’m usually in denial when it comes to turning older because my mind and heart never is. I guess this is what they mean when they say, “age is just a number”.  I’ve always had awesome birthdays spent with friends and loved ones, a day where I am extra thankful for the things in my life that I have and a day where I can just be me, and get away with it. The morning of my birthday, my mom and sister surprised me with mini balloons as soon as I woke up. Apparently humiliation from parents in this generation consists of uploading photos of you on Facebook on your birthday just as you have woken up with all the “morning glory”. I was thankful, nonetheless. My family is the best. Because I was leaving for a short Singapore trip with my dad later that night, my usual birthday dinner party which have been this sort of …

Write Play

I was going through my old posts and remembering how expressive I used to be with my blogging, and pretty elaborate too. I may not have had perfect grammar and admirable wit, but I wrote, wrote and loved it. I blame Twitter and Tumblr. I stopped using WP because Tumblr was at its peak 2008-2009 and I didn’t really have anything much to say anymore because there were all these pretty photos I could describe. I also spew out about a hundred tweets a day (exaggeration) but I hardly blog anymore. Has advanced technology really reduced me to be a lazy thinker and writer? I used to look forward to blogging with a thousand ideas in my head so much! Unfortunately, I can’t say the same anymore.. so here I am again blogging about my lack of blogging skills which is starting to become so redundant already. Speaking about writing, I actually have a screenplay that’s been in my hard drive for a while now. I think I started it about 2 or 3 years …

Friday Nights

..mean a whole lot different to me now. I used to look forward to Fridays because it would be the time when I’m able to go out but now I look forward to it so I can sleep until Saturday. I go so hard on weekdays and it is so draining that I don’t mind even mind anymore that my Friday nights are spent chilling by myself and wasting away as opposed to usually going out to dinner or the occasional drinks. Even as I write this entry on a Friday night (midnight just struck to Saturday) I’m perfectly at peace listening to Iron & Wine’s Such Great Heights followed by Elliot Smith’s Whatever (Folk Song in C) because these are my go-to songs of happy melancholy loneliness solitude, if you know what I mean. Goodness gracious, how old am I? We’re halfway through the year and once again time is going by too fast. The past 2 weekends have been spent going out with friends, drinking (soju bombs are my newfound love) and lots …

Bantayan Island

I am so bad at posting pictures on my blog because I’m always so lazy to process or transfer photos from the SLR. I should be changing that because photos are such interesting elements to add into a post. This entry is a bit overdue but it’s something I really wanna share and put here. When I went home to Cebu for vacation about a month ago we decided to go to Bantayan Island. Time was limited but we promised ourselves that we would go for a small family trip together with cousins who also came back from New York. We only stayed for a very short time, barely a 24-hour overnight stay but it was so. Damn. Worth it. I fell in love with the place. It’s a little bit weird because my family comes from the northernmost part of Cebu and Bantayan is literally just an hour away but this is my very first time to set foot on the island. I’m kind of embarrassed when I think about it but what matters …

Sickly No More

2010 wasn’t the greatest year for me when it came to health. I had my worst tonsillitis cases that visited me often–at one point almost every month, I had my left wisdom teeth removed (which really hurt like a bitch), I would catch the flu really quickly and any amount of fatigue would send me straight over the edge. Needless to say I missed a lot of work days. I guess stress was also one of the triggers because my office was still in the middle of the Jakarta CBD and I would spend a minimum of 1:30 hours in traffic in the morning and another 1:30 at night. That’s just the minimum. One time I left the house at 7 in the morning and didn’t arrive until almost 11am. That was so bad and I told myself then that no matter how glamorous that job was with all the corporate stuff I dreamed about ever since I was a kid, traveling stress wasn’t worth it. I was always so down and worn out by …