All posts filed under: Travels

The Sunday Currently, v26

FEELING All sorts of things, listed below: 1. HAPPY – because I just got my period (FINALLY) today but I am also suffering from major cramps. 2. RELIEVED – because of said reason above, suffering from PCOS makes you feel these things. A period is like a major win in life. 3. CRAZY – all these hormonal emotions are getting the worst of me. I want to snap at people, my PMS was about 2 weeks long and it’s been a whirlwind of emotions. 4. ANNOYED – my ISP has been really shitty lately and if only I had the power to burn down their building I would. 5. EXCITED – because in about a month one of my bestest friends is getting married and it’s on my birthday weekend and I’m a bridesmaid and there’s so much to plan and gaaaaahhhhhhh the emotions! So there’s that. WATCHING I finished Part 2 of Terrace House Aloha State in a span of 2 days and now I’m catching up on Erik Conover’s vlogs. I haven’t been …

The Sunday Currently, v24

Hello 2017 and a happy new year everyone! That greeting is still valid, right? After all we’re only 8 days into the year but it already feels like 3 months. Crazy. I’ve been a little slow on blogging, mostly because I’ve been prioritizing different things and most especially getting my daily life on track after travelling for 4 weeks. December was weirdly great and I’m always grateful to end the year on a good note. FEELING Crazy old. I turn 29 this year and it’s an age I never imagined turning. I’m not a fan of these feelings because I feel and look forever 19 or something. I was at a wedding yesterday where I had to make a speech and the host was genuinely shocked when I said I was only 28. And I had a full face of makeup to boot! I’m also still really lazy to wear glasses and I am feeling my eyesight just deteriorating, and been getting eye strain-related headaches lately. READING Then Unpredictable Consequences of Love by Jill Mansell. …

Another December

I’m in Singapore right now as I type this, and just like last year, I’m spending the whole month out of the country again. The difference this time is that it’s super hot and humid as opposed to my snow-filled 2015 December in the East Coast. My trip here isn’t purely pleasure as I’m here for work at the head office. But then again, I count work as pleasure so it’s a win-win for me nevertheless. My family is coming down in the next few weeks and we all decided to just spend Christmas here. I left on December 2 and started on a good note spending the weekend with old colleagues and Singapore reunions with old friends. This is my 4th time to Singapore this year (and probably my 65th all time), but I’m glad I got to go to places I haven’t been to before and do things I haven’t despite being so familiar with the city. In hindsight there isn’t much to do here, but if you find the right events and …

NYC In A Nutshell

If I wasn’t such a lazy person, I’d be a vlogger by now. I can’t even maintain a full blog let alone do video blogs. It takes up so much of your time and requires a whole lot of dedication. Carrying a DSLR alone is already dedication in itself. After almost a year since my trip to the East Coast for Christmas and New Year, I have finally decided to wrap up the video montage of my few days in NYC. My sister took most of the footage because she had her own video to do, but here are some snippets of that crazy city in our eyes.

Post Birthday Thoughts

It hasn’t sunk in that I’m 28. It’s a weird feeling of either “because I can’t accept it” or the “I couldn’t care less because I will always feel mentally 19 anyway” mixture of emotions. I mean what’s new, right? My birthday was a blur but it wasn’t a bad one at all. In fact it was pretty damn great, if we’re talking about scale. The birthday weekend was so packed that I was hardly able to keep up with all the happenings. Ending a busy work week in Singapore and flying off to Jakarta in time for my birthday weekend full of lunch and dinner parties with friends and extended family, hosted by my ever supportive Aunts in Jakarta who not only want to give me the best but also love the thrill of event planning. Birthdays will always have that stress factor. In addition to the pressures of “adulting”, there’s also that need to celebrate because you’re so blessed to be loved by people that you want to share it all around. If …