All posts filed under: Travels

Blog In My Head

If only there was a machine that could register the blog ideas that spew out of my mind at the most random of times, then I’d totally be a super regular blogger. I have so much makeup but have barely done a one product review post. Why is that? Laziness. LAZINESS is the form of all evil. Writing is one thing, I love writing, heck I can write as much as I want.. but a pretty post with pretty pictures of the things I’m writing about? That’s another thing. So here’s a mental list of the things I want to blog about but I am too lazy to do so. Let this post serve as a knock on the head. 2015 Makeup Favorites US Makeup Haul (oh there are a lot of these) Brow products review (THERE ARE ALSO A LOT OF THESE) New York Trip Washington DC Trip New Years’ Day in New York Hong Kong November Trip Christmas Day in New York City Watching Matilda on Broadway Singapore January Trip

Hello, 2016

I don’t even know where to start. What I know is, I finally got the 2015 review posts out of the way! I promised myself last year that I wouldn’t resume blogging unless I filled that out. I know everything in this blog since the year started has been long overdue considering today’s date but I would like to at least redeem myself for my 2 month absence. Here’s a little recap of how my 2016 has been so far.. For the whole of January I was only “home” for less than a week. As soon as I got back from New York, I had a few days to unpack and breathe for a bit before heading off to another Singapore work trip. That was a really packed week where I did lots of alignment with my bosses, meeting clients, and working with various teams on achieving projects, not to mention team outings and just generally catching up with colleagues I work with every day but don’t see. Ahhh, the wonders of being a digital …

2015 Year In Review, Part I

Hello there! Happy Valentines Day and welcome to my very first entry of the year. Before I go through what’s been happening, I’d like to do another set of Year In Review entries again, like what I did last year (here). I remember having a really good introspective moment while doing that entry and while I feel like so much happened last year, I can’t believe it’s been more than one whole year since I did that. Ah, time. 1. What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about? If you feel like the decision is right for yourself no matter how scary, make it. 2. If you had to describe your 2015 in 3 words, what would they be? Full. Of. Surprises. 3. What new things did you discover about yourself? I can actually fall in love. 4. What single achievement are you most proud of? Making decisions for myself despite what people around me think. 5. What was the best news you received? Oh, I had my fair …

The Sunday Currently, v16

Can you believe it’s already almost halfway through November? Time sure is running on the fast lane. FEELING Sleepy! I stayed up last night catching up on Jimmy Fallon interviews then watched Trainwreck after. I didn’t know the movie was 2 hours long (I loved it!) and when I was done it was almost 5am this morning. Eeeeek. Had to wake up pretty early for church and brunch so now I’m trying not to fall asleep so I don’t end up missing the whole of Sunday night. WATCHING Justin Timberlake’s performance of Drink You Away during last week’s CMAs with Chris Stapleton. This song is from JT’s 20/20 album and also one of my buried favorites. I’m not familiar with Chris Stapleton because of my lack of country music knowledge but I am love-love-loving this performance. It must have been so great to be a part of the audience that watched this live. I love the whole soul x country marriage of talent! Here’s another performance of Stapleton’s song this time, Tennessee Whiskey, which is …

Friday’s 10 Happy Things, v8

Singapore business trip (literally just got home from the airport). I was there for the whole week for work, meeting clients, getting the hang of how our Singapore HQ does stuff and just being exposed to it all. I admit it was pretty overwhelming to me because SG has always been a country where I would relax and unwind but it was the total opposite this time. It was lots of work and no shopping and sightseeing this time but don’t get me wrong, I LOVED IT! Less haze. The weekend during my arrival, the haze hit an all-time high. When I got out of the apartment on Monday morning, it was still damn hazy and really bothered my throat. I even had a fever during my first day of work! Good thing it gradually reduced and the PSI went way below 100 the past few days. Hope it continues! Sephora Black Card. They finally upgraded me because I kind of hoarded during my visit last April. I had it delivered to my cousin’s so …