All posts filed under: Travels

Friday’s 10 Happy Things, v2

1. Fun day Monday! Last Monday was a holiday for us so a few friends and I took an impromptu drive to the South of Cebu where we literally chased (5 levels!) waterfalls, and ended the day with a dip in the beach waiting for the sun to set on the horizon right before our eyes. Despite the long drive, it was such a great day for all of us. 2. Being a year older. I had a very extended birthday weekend that stretched from Last Thursday to Monday. I thought nothing could ever top last years’ birthday festivities that stretched up to 10 days, but this year comes close and up to par. I’m always thankful. 3. Signed books! Working in a book publishing company comes with perks, and I received not 1, but 3 signed books from well known authors. I was greeted with a UPS box when I got back to the office with signed hardback books by Jojo Moyes, Gayle Forman, and Lisa Jackson. 4. Accidental make-up ban. Ever since I …

Friday’s 10 Happy Things, v1

I feel like the only way I can quickly express my feelings through blogging is by making lists. It’s been a recurring theme ever since the year started. I think I prefer to do it otherwise I start to ramble and so many words start spewing out of my mind and I become incoherent. Decided to participate in Helga‘s Friday’s 10 Happy Things because well, life has been pretty awesome lately. Even if it isn’t, it’s always good practice looking back on things that make you happy even though life shits bricks at times. Here goes my list! 1. Last weekend’s Singapore trip. This can stem into a lot of sub-happiness plots.. and will be a recurring theme in this list. It was short, but all worth it. 2. #JKTinvadesSG. After last year’s memorable Cebu trip (#JKTinvadesCebu), we made sure we would try our best to see each other at last once a year. Thank goodness we live around Southeast Asia so traveling to reunite makes it a little easier than most friendships that are …

Day 28 – Memories: Top 5 moments in your life

I will try not to think about this too much because then it will be too hard to narrow down. I have been blessed with a fruitful life and choosing the top 5 moments will be a challenge. I’ll try to make this as concise as I can as well. In no particular order.. 1) Disneyland Hong Kong in 2006 (Disneyland, period!). Went there just a few months after it opened because just as all 90s kids are I am a complete Disney geek. We stayed at one of the Disney hotels and I begged my mom to take the Disney train with me from the city (everyone else took a cab) and we walked ALL the way from the train station to the hotel (didn’t take the shuttle, nothing). Needless to say I started bawling my eyes out when I reached the place. I had this weird moment where I just broke down because of happiness. I can’t wait to visit Disney America, Europe and Japan, no matter how old I am! 2) Watching …

Day 21 – Memories: Where have you traveled?

So many memories to fill in just one post. I haven’t traveled to that many places, but I can definitely say I’ve traveled enough and lived in another country long enough to understand different cultures better, be more open minded about certain situations, and have dealt with my fair share of travel experiences. I’ve traveled alone and with people and I can definitely say while traveling alone is great, nothing beats the company of friends and/or family. I’ve yet to travel to these continents: Europe, America, and Africa. I would love to in the near future! My last memorable travel was to Seoul last year. It made me learn a couple of things about myself, how I hate the cold, but I love Seoul so so so so much. I think it’s a place I wouldn’t visiting from time to time to remind myself that order in a city/country is possible in a world of chaos. One country/city I’m very familiar with as much as my own is Singapore. I’ve been to Singapore every year (sometimes twice or thrice) …