All posts filed under: Friends & Family

Could the Search Be Over?

I wrote a post a while back about my constant search for affordable and good earphones, and I even wrote about how I was always against in-ear ones because the thought of something poking on the insides of my ear felt icky. Ever since that entry I bought myself two earphones already: JBL Roxy Reference 230 and Philips SHE2675B6. Still, I wasn’t satisfied. Also after using it for a while, the Philips one started developing a “can” sound. I’m not sure what the right expression for it is but it’s like you’re listening to music inside a can and it gets really annoying. I’m still using it as my iPod Touch’s mic and phone handsfree though, it’s a really good replacement. Going back to Jakarta from Cebu I had a stopover in Singapore and dundundun, I wanted to buy earphones again. I was so close to buying new ones and even considering these in-ear ones from Sony “Jienne Pop” which cost around $40-$50 then decided against it, I settled for an electric toothbrush instead because …

Nosy Nose

The reason why I don’t tell my family about my blog is because they are one nosy bunch. It’s not a bad thing, I love them for it and I am also a living proof of the nosiness that runs in our bloodline. This is why I’m active online, I like to know things about people, their lives, I love to read about all sorts of things. That’s just a part of my nosiness. The main point of this topic being raised is that tonight, I finally told my aunt about my blog. She’s currently pursuing a social media career and being more immersed in it than her, I wanted to show her the ropes, how to go about things, blogging this blogging that, what are the most famous blogs right now and the question about my blog came up. I was so reluctant, but figured what the hell, sooner or later people are going to find out about this anyway. You see, I love to blog for myself. Sure.. it’s a given that blogging …

Welcoming 2012

…and just like that, it’s another new year. I’m going to be redundant and say that FUCK, HOW DOES TIME FLY SO FAST? I’m (still) in the Philippines right now, and still loving it despite endless eating and drinking. There are so many things I want to say but I don’t know where to start. I want to be candid with this blog starting from this year but I wanna be just as candid to myself. I feel like I’m so open and transparent about so many things but there are other things I hate to admit to myself, and have so much fear about things and life that I need to start taking charge and practice on how to get rid of those things. I will get there, just you wait. New Year’s Eve was spent with my family and cousins at the Waterfront Hotel Cebu, first NYE spent with so many strangers in one room. Our NYE’s usually consisted of big family events or family friends, then after dinner and fireworks I’d go …

I’m Coming Home (x-post)

I was supposed to be spending Christmas (and New Year) in Jakarta but due to urgent circumstances I had to be asked to go home to Cebu. My sister, mom and I are leaving tonight but my sister and I have different flights and different routes (Singapore for a layover because we couldn’t get the same flights at the last minute). I’m filled with so many mixed emotions right now because even though I initially wanted to go home I already planned out my Christmas vacation with my best friends so now it’s like, a total turnaround again oh well that’s life, just go with the flow. It’s been a while since I “blogged” on tumblr like this I remember used to doing it all the time before, sharing little tidbits about my life which were too short for my blog or too long for my twitter. Picture above was taken last weekend when a few uni friends and their friends had a little (which turned out to be big, lol) Christmas dinner. At least …

Brunch, Lunch, and Laughter

Last Saturday my girl Novella had a birthday lunch to celebrate her 25th year into this world. The lunch became a very late lunch because the celebrant was not only fashionably late, she was absolutely late 😉 I love you anyway bb. Prior to that Caroline & I decided to grab late brunch at the same time to pick up the red velvet cake we got for N at this lovely place called Convivium Deli in the South.