All posts filed under: Life

Friday’s 10 Happy Things, v8

Singapore business trip (literally just got home from the airport). I was there for the whole week for work, meeting clients, getting the hang of how our Singapore HQ does stuff and just being exposed to it all. I admit it was pretty overwhelming to me because SG has always been a country where I would relax and unwind but it was the total opposite this time. It was lots of work and no shopping and sightseeing this time but don’t get me wrong, I LOVED IT! Less haze. The weekend during my arrival, the haze hit an all-time high. When I got out of the apartment on Monday morning, it was still damn hazy and really bothered my throat. I even had a fever during my first day of work! Good thing it gradually reduced and the PSI went way below 100 the past few days. Hope it continues! Sephora Black Card. They finally upgraded me because I kind of hoarded during my visit last April. I had it delivered to my cousin’s so …

Day 9 – Someone you’d like to meet

This is a tricky one because it needs a deeper context more than anything else. But for the sake of creating a context for this entry, I would probably say I’m excited to meet that someone in my future. He may or may not exist.. but this year I have told myself that I am ready to be in a relationship. Like a real one. Despite a few bumps along the way and lots of learning curves, I realized that all the shit that happened didn’t make me want to close myself (as how I usually would) and I’m actually looking forward to meeting that person who will be worth it, forever or not, or whatever. I’m normally not this cheesy on my blog but the entry called for it. Nothing to lose, right?

Day 8 – A skill you’d love to learn

If only I could reveal my secrets, then I’d also be revealing the skills I’d love to learn. Believe me, there are so many.. so let’s just go with the one that I think about first. Saving money, definitely. I envy those who have such a good grasp of their finances because honestly, I don’t. It kinda sucks being someone who has so many interests that are not only experiences, but also material things. Sometimes I think I may even need a financial advisor but let’s face it, what’s there to advice when there’s hardly any finance right? Ha ha. This is why I work my butt off. *cue She Works Hard for the Money by Donna Summer*

Day 6 – A food you could eat forever

~ And we’re back! Sorry this took a backseat. ~ I used to be able to say sushi but due to recent hospitalizations I’ve sort of had a bit of an aversion to Japanese food lately. I KNOW, RIGHT? It’s a cuisine that I love so much. Soon, I will be able to eat Japanese food again. Just like how I’ll be able to drink alcohol again. Anyway! I will be a bit general here and say anything chicken. However you cook chicken, I will eat it. Fried, in soup, baked, marinated, breaded, barbecued, etc etc etc. This is a bit TMI, but I even eat chicken bones. Yup! There goes my little secret.

The Sunday Currently, v14

FEELING Generally anxious, to be honest. My anxiety levels have been crazy these past few weeks.. ever since I got out of my last hospital visit, actually. I don’t know if it’s just the whole transition to a newer routine, or being scared I’ll get sick again, or just trying to not do anything as to not trigger another crazy event in my life, but I hope I’ll get over this soon. It’s very discomforting. READING Right now it’s still The Vacationers by Emma Straub. I’ve been taking my time with this book, I started it at the end of my hospital stay but I haven’t had the chance to finish it yet. WATCHING Just finished watching the pilot episode of this show called Life In Pieces. It sort of reminds me of Modern Family sans the whole mockumentary format. I quite enjoyed the first episode and will probably watch the second episode to determine if it’s a show worth following. About to finish watching ep 2 and 3 of You’re The Worst‘s second season. …