Last Day of 26
I didn’t really want to start the entry on this note but I just need to say that I have been so tired the whole day yesterday. I slept at 4am the previous day to finish work, then woke up at 9 to start work, then off to my next job at 3, in between those, calls with my boyfriend for some good pep talk about how I can deal with life, then zumba/bellydancing class at night, a birthday dinner, then more work, then more boyfriend phone calls. By the end of the night (or start of the day), this resulted in me tweeting: TOO TIRED FOR LIFE! How does one juggle multiple jobs, a social life, a love life and an active lifestyle? I bow down to you. — Justine (@juiceee) May 19, 2015 Obviously these are all happy “tireds” because how can I not be thankful that I’m living this life? I needed to write this entry to be reminded and be grateful for everything I have. There are things that are obviously …