All posts filed under: Life

Last Day of 26

I didn’t really want to start the entry on this note but I just need to say that I have been so tired the whole day yesterday. I slept at 4am the previous day to finish work, then woke up at 9 to start work, then off to my next job at 3, in between those, calls with my boyfriend for some good pep talk about how I can deal with life, then zumba/bellydancing class at night, a birthday dinner, then more work, then more boyfriend phone calls. By the end of the night (or start of the day), this resulted in me tweeting: TOO TIRED FOR LIFE! How does one juggle multiple jobs, a social life, a love life and an active lifestyle? I bow down to you. — Justine (@juiceee) May 19, 2015 Obviously these are all happy “tireds” because how can I not be thankful that I’m living this life? I needed to write this entry to be reminded and be grateful for everything I have. There are things that are obviously …

Friday’s 10 Happy Things, v1

I feel like the only way I can quickly express my feelings through blogging is by making lists. It’s been a recurring theme ever since the year started. I think I prefer to do it otherwise I start to ramble and so many words start spewing out of my mind and I become incoherent. Decided to participate in Helga‘s Friday’s 10 Happy Things because well, life has been pretty awesome lately. Even if it isn’t, it’s always good practice looking back on things that make you happy even though life shits bricks at times. Here goes my list! 1. Last weekend’s Singapore trip. This can stem into a lot of sub-happiness plots.. and will be a recurring theme in this list. It was short, but all worth it. 2. #JKTinvadesSG. After last year’s memorable Cebu trip (#JKTinvadesCebu), we made sure we would try our best to see each other at last once a year. Thank goodness we live around Southeast Asia so traveling to reunite makes it a little easier than most friendships that are …

The Sunday Currently, v7

I feel like I only ever get to properly blog on Sundays because I’m such a busy mess on weekdays. I might as well start calling this blog Otherworldly Sundays or something, lol. But anyway.. here it is! FEELING A bit better than last Sunday, that’s for sure. I was hospitalized last Monday morning because of my tonsillitis and it turned out I had this thing called Acute Tonsillopharyngitis which is apparently worse because it’s a combination of the two. Right now I’m still experiencing dry cough so it’s a constant battle with my throat still, although it wasn’t as much of a struggle as last week. What a crazy week it was. LISTENING I’ve totally fallen out of love and touch with K-pop now, but I still try my best to keep up with the legends and my favorites (aka the ones that got me into it a good 5 years ago). Girls’ Generation always manages to come out with something that shakes up the K-pop world and despite the mixed reviews of enthusiasts …

What’s Been Up

1. Days Off Thanks to the Holy Week and unexpired vacation leave credits, I was rewarded with a few days off work the past week. I got to do a couple of things, like finally watching Cinderella in the cinema, catching up on crazy sleep, going home to the province and beaching it up, and giving worthy people my quality time. The best part is, I have another 2 days off the upcoming week because I am determined that April is going to be an awesome month. Having said that.. 2. Throat Business I am having the worst throat inflammation right now, it’s not even funny. It’s been a while since I’ve had this and I hate remembering how much it feels like shit. Of course, I make the mistake of drinking things I’m not supposed to like that sparkling wine I had at a dinner party earlier tonight and screaming my head off because we had such a fun game night of category BINGO. Our team won, if you were interested in knowing. 3. …

The Sunday Currently, v6

I am actually cheating because it’s hardly Sunday anymore.. but I made the big mistake of sleeping at 6pm as soon as I got home from a children’s party and woke up just a little bit before midnight. It would be an ideal scenario if I didn’t have work on a Monday morning but here I am, typing away. I’m gonna try a different approach to this entry and make it a bit more comprehensive than usual, and only answering the ones that make the most sense and are the most applicable given the current situation. READING Tasks on my project management tool and work emails to prepare for later. I never thought I’d become one of those people who would be so addicted to work but look at me. I guess it also helps that you actually like what you do, so you don’t really mind at the end of the day. Maybe I should remove my work email from my phone so I stop checking shit all the time. Seriously. WRITING To-dos and …