All posts filed under: Life

Friendly Faces

The other day as I was getting my coffee from the Starbucks I frequent, I somehow felt a warmer reception than usual. The baristas were smiling more genuine smiles. As I got to the order counter, a friendly-looking barista (this is the first time I see her for some reason) took my order. She was really nice and she asked where I got my iPhone case because she loved it. I asked her is it because it’s the same one Serena Van Der Woodsen uses in Gossip Girl Season 5 (I did not know this when I bought it)? Hahaha. She agreed then proceeded to ask me if I was currently watching Pretty Little Liars because the same one is also used by one of the characters of the show. I told her I’m a little bit left behind since I stopped halfway during the second season. I felt like this girl could be my best friend or something. Not really in a bff best friend kind of way because I already have those but …

Rough Days

Yup, it’s another one of those asofterworld posts. You would know how much I love asofterworld if you also follow me on tumblr. The first two frames start out normal, then bam, there’s a witty and contradicting catchphrase in the last frame to conclude it. But anyway, that’s beside the point. This week has been lackluster but after hump day Wednesday things started looking up. The good thing coming out of this is I’m starting to write on my blog more often now! Although I’m not too proud that it has been brought on by the onslaught of not-so-pretty events that are happening to me. Hence, the strip above. I’m probably being my selfish self again being all, “It’s me, me this, me that..” then I have this momentary reality check and realize that when I look around I’m not the only who feels shitty, so I take that into consideration and get on with life. It’s as simple as that. Now that I’m feeling all positive I might abandon this blog again.. hope not!

Split Polars

I’m my own worst critic. I think of the worst in a lot of situations. Many things in my life have made me think that way but it’s nice to know I still have a lot of positivity in me, it seems. But let’s focus on the negative first. Someone told me before how he wondered how I never get fazed by the worst of things.. truth is, he just doesn’t know what really goes on in my head. It’s a freaking warzone. I like to think the choices I make result to a good return of “equal opportunity”. I learn a lot of things about myself and other people along the way but what frustrates me the most is that I hardly ever get to see results, or the end game. A lot of the things in my life are open-ended. My feelings take the top spot on that list. Right now I’m in an environment where people don’t get fazed by irrational emotions but the truth is, I do. It’s just me. Now …

Sick and Stones

My throat started feeling really itchy last Wednesday, and come Thursday it became a full-blown dry cough. I’m still reaping the fruits of the virus until now because I really didn’t give myself rest until Saturday. I was contemplating on going to work on Friday but I knew I had to because I was meeting friends for drinks later that night after work and that itself was a pretty good motivation already. Got home at 4 in the morning on Saturday and that’s when the whole sickness thing took a great toll. I was completely bedridden the whole Saturday up to Sunday afternoon when I decided to get my ass up and spend the rest of the Sunday out with family. It’s Tuesday now and I’m feeling a bit better save for a bit of coughing here and there. Hope this is gone by tomorrow. Lately I’ve been finding myself getting worked up and concerned about what people think about me. Of course as a human being that’s a general trait, why wouldn’t you want …