It’s a Colorful One
It’s funny how I try to update my layout but my blogging mojo still ends up being shit. Ever since moving back to Cebu my life has been a happy breeze, time has been consumed very productively (sleep is productive ok) but of course it’s hardly a win-win situation. Life may be currently great, but my gadgets are not. I made a stupid mistake of putting an open tumbler inside my bag. While both my phones were safe from the results of my stupidity.. my camera, my iPod Touch and my Moleskine weren’t. Needless to say, those 3 loves of mine aren’t in very good condition right now. I feel awful, really really awful. And not just “How will I be able to play Temple Run again?” awful, just really really awful. My iPod is alive, but it does not respond to any touch. My camera is intact, but it refuses to turn on. My Moleskine is back to dry, but the pages that I wrote in using that pretty purple Muji pen are almost …