Ten Facts About Me
Saw this on Helga’s blog sometime ago and I thought to do one myself. ONE: I can’t whistle at all. I don’t know why! TWO: I’m talkative and loud. If people are embarrassed to be seen with me then that is their problem. THREE: I can’t NOT finish food. If I get a small serving then it’s good because I don’t get a second serving unless I’m super famished. When it’s a large portion or a big serving, even though I’m about to burst I feel really evil and bad if I don’t finish what’s on my plate. Like really bad. I hate the thought of throwing food or food that’s being wasted. Gives me so much guilt in life. FOUR: I’m scared of cats, thus I don’t like them. I had a bad experience and I always feel like they hate me so much. Dogs on the other hand, I am very much a dog person. Lovelovelove dogs. FIVE: I’m a chronic foot jiggler. It’s pretty bad. SIX: The reason why I don’t like …