All posts filed under: Life

Ten Facts About Me

Saw this on Helga’s blog sometime ago and I thought to do one myself. ONE: I can’t whistle at all. I don’t know why! TWO: I’m talkative and loud. If people are embarrassed to be seen with me then that is their problem. THREE: I can’t NOT finish food. If I get a small serving then it’s good because I don’t get a second serving unless I’m super famished. When it’s a large portion or a big serving, even though I’m about to burst I feel really evil and bad if I don’t finish what’s on my plate. Like really bad. I hate the thought of throwing food or food that’s being wasted. Gives me so much guilt in life. FOUR: I’m scared of cats, thus I don’t like them. I had a bad experience and I always feel like they hate me so much. Dogs on the other hand, I am very much a dog person. Lovelovelove dogs. FIVE: I’m a chronic foot jiggler. It’s pretty bad. SIX: The reason why I don’t like …

The 2PM Experience

Related Post: 2PM, Finally! It’s taking me a while to come up with a decent blog post about my experience during last Friday’s 2PM concert, because I don’t know where to start. My word vomits about my experiences during that night have all been spewed on both my twitter accounts and told to friends who have been asking me about my experience but there’s just something about actually coming up with the right words to say in a blog post that’s so hard. It’s Tuesday as I currently write this but I have no idea when it will be published (FRIDAY!).. so I’m just forcing myself to just write so I don’t have to torture myself on how to come up with the entry for this blog. I know a lot of my online friends aren’t K-pop fans, and I didn’t get into K-pop until late 2009, where I already established a place in the internet as a blogger (who had no knowledge about K-pop and was a rock chick at heart) in both tumblr …

Brunch, Lunch, and Laughter

Last Saturday my girl Novella had a birthday lunch to celebrate her 25th year into this world. The lunch became a very late lunch because the celebrant was not only fashionably late, she was absolutely late 😉 I love you anyway bb. Prior to that Caroline & I decided to grab late brunch at the same time to pick up the red velvet cake we got for N at this lovely place called Convivium Deli in the South.

Change of Scenery

I think I need a big fat one. Don’t get me wrong. I love Jakarta, I really do. It’s my second home.. it’s where I had a lot of firsts; but it’s been bringing me down. I’m at a crossroads in my life with no idea where to go or what to do with it, I’m almost certain that I don’t really want to be in Jakarta anymore–for now. Of course I’m not ruling out the not ever coming back here but I’m getting really restless. Of course this could just be the frustrated me talking because I’ve had a rough 2 weeks. But if you’re in a place where you’re not growing as an individual, I think you should take things into consideration. Do you want to stay and make things different or do you have another choice of where to go? Right now I have a few choices, go back home to the Philippines which is the most probable choice, or work in cities I would love to live in (Singapore, Melbourne/Perth, Seoul, …

Dark Clouds

This week has been such a struggle for me, evident from Monday’s post below. I don’t know what it is but I’m guessing it’s probably just PMS or something. I’m feeling extra weak, been getting random stomach pains and bad migraines and headaches (sometimes it feels like a weeklong hangover but I didn’t even drink that much during the weekend) plus I just got my email from monthlyinfo that Tom‘s about to arrive soon, so it’s probably that. It feels like I’m always waking up on the wrong side of the bed and before I sleep I feel extra tired. I’ve been taking my vitamins but I’ve been feeling too lethargic to run this week, I can’t wait til I get back in maximum state of mind so I can get back to running. Last night the fambam and I went to the airport to send off my dad who’s going back home to Cebu for a while. I don’t know how long until I see him again and I’m such a daddy’s girl when …