All posts filed under: Work

It’s a Colorful One

It’s funny how I try to update my layout but my blogging mojo still ends up being shit. Ever since moving back to Cebu my life has been a happy breeze, time has been consumed very productively (sleep is productive ok) but of course it’s hardly a win-win situation. Life may be currently great, but my gadgets are not. I made a stupid mistake of putting an open tumbler inside my bag. While both my phones were safe from the results of my stupidity.. my camera, my iPod Touch and my Moleskine weren’t. Needless to say, those 3 loves of mine aren’t in very good condition right now. I feel awful, really really awful. And not just “How will I be able to play Temple Run again?” awful, just really really awful. My iPod is alive, but it does not respond to any touch. My camera is intact, but it refuses to turn on. My Moleskine is back to dry, but the pages that I wrote in using that pretty purple Muji pen are almost …

Life Update!

Sorry it’s been so long since I last wrote here! A lot of things have happened in my life ever since my last entry and the problem is of course, where to start? As of now I’m back in the Philippines. It wasn’t an easy decision to make by any means, but I’m glad I did it (I hope to say the same in the future!). I left Jakarta on the 9th of February so everything was sort of very much a rollercoaster prior to that, packing my stuff, saying goodbye to friends and family, shopping for new stuff, and making room for the future in my thoughts. The reason why I moved back is because I’ve been trying to find a way to get away from Jakarta. As I’ve said in my previous posts, it will always be home to me and I have unending love for it, but you can’t stick with something that’s bringing you down. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say. I felt like I had no room …

Welcoming 2012

…and just like that, it’s another new year. I’m going to be redundant and say that FUCK, HOW DOES TIME FLY SO FAST? I’m (still) in the Philippines right now, and still loving it despite endless eating and drinking. There are so many things I want to say but I don’t know where to start. I want to be candid with this blog starting from this year but I wanna be just as candid to myself. I feel like I’m so open and transparent about so many things but there are other things I hate to admit to myself, and have so much fear about things and life that I need to start taking charge and practice on how to get rid of those things. I will get there, just you wait. New Year’s Eve was spent with my family and cousins at the Waterfront Hotel Cebu, first NYE spent with so many strangers in one room. Our NYE’s usually consisted of big family events or family friends, then after dinner and fireworks I’d go …

Monday Blues

It was such a chore to get up this morning, I wasn’t feeling the day and totally dreaded it. I hate it when I wake up with negative vibes but what’s good about it is it doesn’t usually last until the end of the day (unless there’s a strong reason for it to last). Plus I haven’t had a bad Monday in a really long time so waking up that way really left a bad taste in my mouth. Fortunately for me, our bosses didn’t come in today so my mood immediately got lighter and following SMTOWN New York livetweets gave me some good second-hand fangirling vibes. It’s lunchtime now and while workload has been bittersweet the first half of the day (it’s the good news bad news kind) I’m just thankful I don’t feel so negative anymore. Sometimes you really can’t help what to feel. Being a Gemini, I can attest to that. Here are some photos I took during the weekend, which was pretty eventful that I didn’t really get sleep until Sunday …