All posts filed under: Life

Day 16 – What’s the ____ thing you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t yet?

Sometimes I hate answering questions I have to figure out the question to. This is so weird. What’s the BLAH thing I’ve wanted to do, but haven’t yet? Let’s see.. I think this is going to take a while. “What’s the sweetest/most romantic you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t yet?” There you have it. I’ve always wanted to declare my feelings for a guy without having to think about my pride, or what people think, or what my family thinks or what MY MIND thinks. The issue here is, I’m not much of a romantic girl. I can’t act selflessly towards the opposite sex and can never rely on JUST my feelings. I feel like I always need external reinforcement if I wanted to make a decision on matters of the heart. In the near future I hope to be able to do this. Just act selflessly without any fear.. because I don’t think it’s even about rejection because that, I can handle. Showing that I am vulnerable and void of any trait that enables me to …

Day 15 – Tell me: How are you like your parents?

Writing this post is sort of difficult, but not in the way you think it is (maybe coz I’m doing it from my iPhone?). I feel like I’m so similar to my parents because I am so close to them and think they’re the best, but at the same time I can’t justify it because I don’t think I can ever live up to their greatness. More often than not, I believe in zodiac signs. Both my parents and I are Geminis so in a way I feel like it has always been my basis for so many of our similarities. My mom has always been the purveyor of tough love and I know that I definitely got it from her. When I need to motivate, guide or help someone out I empathize with them in a matter that’s quite rough and with a bit of motivating criticism and “reversed psychology”. It depends on how that person takes it. On the other side of the parental spectrum, my dad also gives great advice to people …

Day 14 – Memories: Been to any concerts?

We’re almost halfway! I quite like this entry because it’s going to make me re-live some awesome moments. I haven’t been to a lot of concerts but I can say I’ve seen my favorites live.. two music acts that belong in completely different genres: Incubus and 2PM. I saw Incubus in 2008 with my best friends in Jakarta, and I saw 2PM live twice, both in 2011. First was with my best friend, and the second time was during their full fledged concert in Jakarta with my sister and this was the most I’ve ever paid for a concert. Worth. Every. Penny. There’s something about K-pop stage production that blows you away. The amount of work and effort and thought they put into it better than worth it in itself. Incubus, there’s even no need to mention what it’s like seeing your favorite band from 6th grade (up to now) live and singing ALL YOUR FAVORITE songs. My first and forever love. Brandon Boyd and his voice. Jose on the drums. Mike and being his …

Day 13 – Something you’ve been putting off

I can already envision writing this entry to be hard-hitting, at the same time therapeutic, I guess, but it’s the type that I’m quite ashamed to tackle. The double F’s: finance & future. I’ve been meaning to be really good with money this year, yet I’m still failing at it. My goal for 2014 was supposed to get an insurance plan for myself and invest.. but 8 months in and that hasn’t happened yet. I have a few more months left to fulfill that goal and I hope and pray to the heavens that I get it started. It’s not easy being in your 20s and have cash flow. I work hard but I spend hard. I do admit I have shopaholic tendencies but I need to remind myself that I am no Rebecca Bloomwood and no finance honcho/hottie is going to save me out of my money woes should that time come (GOD FORBID). The only good thing from all this is that, I spend my money and no one else’s (cue “I don’t …

Day 12 – Share: Your bucket list

I don’t have a particular bucket list yet. What I know is that I want to travel Greece, Italy, Hawaii the most and I want to see John Mayer and Kanye West (don’t judge) and Justin Timberlake perform live the most. I would like to try bungee jumping and skydiving but if you asked me which one I prefer I think I’d go with bungee jumping as long as my legs aren’t the the ones that are being tied together! Of course, I’d like to travel the Philippines as much as I can. I think there is so much to discover still.